That number shows across all versions, regardless if they have been patched or mitigated
If you look on that site at current versions only it looks very different
iOS 18 - 30
iOS 18.1 beta - 0
macOS 11.2.3 - 0
Windows 11 22h2 current patch - 0
Fedora 41 - 1
Android 15 - 7
Ubuntu 23.10 - 2 (for some reason 24.04 and 24.10 are missing)
It’s a pretty interesting site!
Bingo. That site is counting that same vuln repeatedly.
How do you figure? The title says ‘distinct’.
By looking at the data on the website…? The same vuln appears under multiple different versions of an OS.
Your statement seems worded to imply that the same vulnerability is being counted in the same version of the OS, and it wouldn’t make sense to comment as such since it would be omitting data otherwise.