bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe MuH PuReTeH !!!
Every single deadweight non-voting imbecile will keep on smearing and caking blood on their hands, as they sit mindlessly smug, sucking their own thumb, which they had up their ass; they switch from one to the other and back to the one!
Vote for a woman… and of color?!! WHEN PIGS FLY!!!
Why bipartisan both-sides perspectives have always been complete bullshit.
The “Middle Ground Fallacy” has done a huge amount of damage in areas where there are objective truths like climate change and now apparently public health.
BUt GeNoCiDe ThO
Bringing back POLIO is how we Pro Lifers PROTECT the KIDS!
We should start insisting Americans have vaccination certificates if they’re going to visit other countries.
Fellas, is it gay to give [redacted] Jr. polio?
My grandma had polio, God I wish we had the rods used to straighten her spine, Id love to beat someone specific with it.