I hate the fact that the vertical axis starts at 7 million, making the drop seem deceptively large
Seems fine to me, the axes are easy to understand and there would be a lot of unnecessary whitespace otherwise. Though, it does require some reading comprehension, and that one actually looks at it and not just skims over.
I agree that this way of displaying the data is appropriate, but it would be nice to have a very visible indicator of this. Some kind of highlighted “fold” line or something at the very bottom of the chart, maybe. If I can deduce the units from context, and the trend is more interesting than absolute numbers, then I’m not going to look at the axes most of the time
We were busy those nights, and if you didn’t get the memo it’s best to stop asking questions while you still can.
I mean, I always thought of OP as someone in the Lemmy’s loop. I guess it doesn’t know everything…
I still doubt we make 9 millions posts per day, there is another graph dedicated to comments, which has a much tinier drop on Thanksgiving: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats
Ik Lemmy is a small social media,is this why I feel like Lemmy is dead.
We’ve been conditioned by endless scrolls, for sure.
Seems like a major server not reporting their numbers.
A 20% drop in use on American Thanksgiving doesn’t seem even remotely outlandish to me
I still doubt we make 9 millions posts per day, there is another graph dedicated to comments, which has a much tinier drop on Thanksgiving: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats
I’m pretty sure ThePicardManuever posts 9 million times a day.
Well, yeah. Posters actually put in effort. Commenters are lazy people who just shit out their terrible opinions.
Yea well, that’s just like, your opinion, man
Commenters are the worst.
Especially the ones that have custom profiles with names and shit.
Like Bro you aren’t fooling anyone, we all know you aren’t really a squid that flies.