A good time for a PSA from your friendly neighborhood electrician: make sure you have working GFCI protection in all bathrooms and kitchens to prevent unwanted tickle time
Shouldn’t that be standard everywhere? My flats here in Germany all had one central switch for that wired before the actual circuit breakers so that any outlet should be protected.
Is there a reason to only put that on select outlets?
And also wanted tickle time
Btw thanks European regulation for not letting me die, its really fucking great
Didn’t they change toasters so that you can’t do this anymore?
No, they changed bathroom plugs. Now they have GCFIs. They have a built in test button, but there is one other way to tell…
Also they claim that the shorter cords on kitchen appliances are to prevent this but I say that’s bullshit and they’re just cheap.
Maximum power cord lengths are in the NEC. Regardless of the original motivation, now it’s in the electrical code (US)
I was thinking about this today when I pulled out my Vitamix. That thing has like a 6 foot cord.
When did this get added? Or does it only apply to heating appliances? Date code on my blender is November 2020.
I thought it was older than that but I don’t know and didn’t see anything through search.
Maybe it’s just named appliances but my blender is also really short