You return your cart because it’s the right thing to do
I return my cart because it gives me a sense of superiority
We are not the same
You return your cart because it’s the right thing to do
I return my cart to get my euro back that I put in to unlock it
Mr fancy pants here with full euro coins.
I treasure my red plastic €0.50 coin replica more than my life.
I put in a 2€ and look down on other shoppers
“No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart…”
Hmmmm, I wonder if this is always true. Maybe somewhere there is someone who does not let such things stand.
In Germany, shopping carts typically have a deposit system, where you have to insert an Euro into the cart to use it, which you get back when you return it. So that is basically a build in fine for not returning it.
This is how it works in all of Europe
The past year or two I’ve found several stores where they are abandoning it. I presume because people carrying cash, especially coins, is becoming rarer and they don’t want to inconvenience their customers?
Strangely enough, carts still get returned even at these stores.