Day 12: Garden Groups
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Implementing flood fill or something like that would have been smart, so I didn’t do that. Instead I used a sparse-but-still-way-too-big-and-slow block matrix representation, which takes several minutes to compute the region partitions for the real problem. The rest is essentially simple, although counting edges has some picky details. The result is a lot of code though – way more than has been typical up to now.
data_file_name =: '' grid =: ,. > cutopen fread data_file_name data =: , grid 'rsize csize' =: $ grid size =: # data inbounds =: monad : '(*/ y >: 0 0) * (*/ y < rsize, csize)' coords =: ($ grid) & #: uncoords =: ($ grid) & #. neighbors =: monad : 'uncoords (#~ inbounds"1) (coords y) +"1 (4 2 $ 1 0 0 1 _1 0 0 _1)' components =: 1 ((i.size) ,. i.size)} 1 $. (size, size); (0 1); 0 NB. fuse (m, n) fuses together the components of linear indices m and n onto the NB. lesser of the two fuse =: monad define fused_row =. >./ y { components NB. 4 $. is a version of 1 I. that works on sparse arrays: it gives us the index array, NB. but it's rows of index vectors so we have to transpose to get just the column indices fused_indices =. {. |: 4 $. fused_row components =: 1 (, fused_indices (< @: ,"0/) fused_indices)} components ) NB. fuse_all fuses all adjacent pairs of cells according to the grid contents; this makes NB. a "block diagonal" matrix of 1's where the block index groups are components fuse_cols =: monad define for_r. i. rsize do. for_c. i. <: csize do. n =. uncoords (r, c) pair =. n, n + 1 if. =/ (pair { data) do. fuse pair end. end. end. components ) NB. To speed this up we only execute fusion once on each pair of adjacent contiguous groups, NB. since each row has already had its columns fused. fuse_rows =: monad define for_r. i. <: rsize do. cur_cell =. a: in_group =. 0 for_c. i. csize do. n =. uncoords (r, c) if. cur_cell ~: n { data do. cur_cell =. n { data in_group =. 0 end. pair =. n, n + csize if. =/ (pair { data) do. if. in_group = 1 do. continue. else. fuse pair in_group =. 1 end. else. in_group =. 0 end. end. end. components ) fuse_all =: fuse_rows @: fuse_cols NB. count_edges n counts the number of fenced edges, which is 4 minus the number of neighbor NB. cells in the same component component_neighbors =: monad : '(#~ ((= & (y { data)) @: ({ & data))) neighbors y' count_edges =: monad : '4 - # component_neighbors y' NB. components component_index n gives the least cell index in n's component component_index =: dyad : '<./ {. |: 4 $. y { x' NB. distinct components gives the list of component indices distinct_components =: monad : '~. 0 $. y component_index"_ 0 i.size' NB. components component_cells m gives the cell list of component m component_cells =: dyad : 'I. 0 $. y { x'"_ 0 NB. components area m gives the area of component m area =: (# @: component_cells)"_ 0 NB. components perimeter m gives the perimeter of component m perimeter =: (+/ @: (count_edges"0) @: component_cells)"_ 0 components =: fuse_all components result1 =: +/ components (area * perimeter) distinct_components components NB. cell edges are given coordinates as follows: horizontal edges are numbered according to the NB. cell they are above, so [0..rsize] x [0..csize), and vertical edges are numbered according to NB. the cell they are left of, so [0..rsize) x [0..csize]. Two adjacent (connected) cell edges NB. belong to the same component edge if they have a component cell on the same side. NB. cell_edges m gives the edge coordinates in the schema above of the cell with linear index m, NB. as a boxed list horizontal_edges;vertical_edges. cell_edges =: monad define 'r c' =. coords y neighbors =. component_neighbors y horiz_edges =. (-. ((y - csize), y + csize) e. neighbors) # 2 2 $ r, c, (>: r), c vert_edges =. (-. ((<: y), >: y) e. neighbors) # 2 2 $ r, c, r, >: c horiz_edges ; vert_edges ) NB. cells hconnected r c1 c2 if (r, c1) and (r, c2) are horizontally connected edges hconnected =: dyad define 'r c1 c2' =. y if. 1 < c2 - c1 do. 0 return. end. if. (0 = r) +. rsize = r do. 1 return. end. upper_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ (<: r), c1, (<: r), c2 lower_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ r, c1, r, c2 (*/ upper_neighbors e. x) +. (*/ lower_neighbors e. x) ) NB. cells vconnected c r1 r2 if (r1, c) and (r2, c) are vertically connected edges vconnected =: dyad define 'c r1 r2' =. y if. 1 < r2 - r1 do. 0 return. end. if. (0 = c) +. csize = c do. 1 return. end. left_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ r1, (<: c), r2, <: c right_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ r1, c, r2, c (*/ left_neighbors e. x) +. (*/ right_neighbors e. x) ) component_edges =: dyad define cells =. x component_cells y 'raw_horiz raw_vert' =. (< @: ;)"1 |: cell_edges"0 cells edge_pairs_of_row =. ((> @: {.) (,"0 1) ((2 & (]\)) @: > @: {:)) horiz_edge_groups =. ({. ;/.. {:) |: raw_horiz new_h_edges_per_row =. (-. @: (cells & hconnected)"1 &.>) (< @: edge_pairs_of_row)"1 horiz_edge_groups total_h_edges =. (# horiz_edge_groups) + +/ ; new_h_edges_per_row vert_edge_groups =. ({: ;/.. {.) |: raw_vert new_v_edges_per_row =. (-. @: (cells & vconnected)"1 &.>) (< @: edge_pairs_of_row)"1 vert_edge_groups total_v_edges =. (# vert_edge_groups) + +/ ; new_v_edges_per_row total_h_edges + total_v_edges ) result2 =: +/ components (area * (component_edges"_ 0)) distinct_components components