Of all the kinds of stupid that exist out there, certainly it’s the predictable stupid that is the most frustrating. And of all the kinds of predictable stupid that exist, one of the most pre…
Boomers’ children are grown ass adults with their own kids now. Those parents are the ones who grew up playing games. This dumbass narrative doesn’t play anymore
Boomers’ children are grown ass adults with their own kids now. Those parents are the ones who grew up playing games. This dumbass narrative doesn’t play anymore
I’m talking about boomer parents. In respects to the millennial parents, of course they are laughing at this shit (or I would hope so)
Boomers are the parents of Gen X kids.
What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense.
my parents are boomers and im a millennial (90)
That’s cool. Playing the outlier game could go on all day, but it’s obviously not the norm.
Ok. Maybe it was just me then, but growing up in the 90s there was a push for “video games bad they are violent”
Yea. They’ve been doing it since the 70’s, and are still doing it now by trying to say Among Us made Luigi violent.
That doesn’t have anything to do with the millennial or gen z generations. The first “video game generation” was X.
Silent> Greatest> Boomer> X> Millennial> Z