Cleric doesn’t currently interact with those alchemy spell items in any way. Their ‘scroll use’ talent felt like it fit better interacting with runestones.
Cleric doesn’t currently interact with those alchemy spell items in any way. Their ‘scroll use’ talent felt like it fit better interacting with runestones.
Unfortunately no, those talents only trigger when a scroll or spell is actually used, not when something else triggers a scroll effect.
The estimate I gave in the last blog post is still fairly accurate: “around mid to late December, just before the holiday season”
Hold to move sensitivity. Reducing the sensitivity increazes the delay, including turning hold to move off entirely at the lowest.
The game has a tiny built-in delay (which is configurable in the settings) when a movement key is held before an action is performed, specifically so that it’s relatively easy to move diagonally in one action using two separate keys, and not have the game interpret it as two separate key presses.
From a quick look it seems that the bookshelve spawns there, you might have destroyed it while playing.
I mainly wanted trinkets to accomplish two goals:
I’m still not 100% happy with where trinkets are, there are still a few balance outliers and I would like to add more of them, but I do think they’re doing this job fairly well. Alchemy system usage is up across the board, and players are definitely not dieing a lot more or less with trinkets overall. It’s worth noting though that I don’t balance based on gameplay data from new players, as those numbers aren’t particular representative of how actually powerful items are. I look at data from players who have 1+ wins.
Trinkets are also designed to be flexible, it’s perfectly valid to keep them at 0 or +1 for a milder effect, if you’d prefer to not mix up your run too much.
muffled yelling
Hehe, you’ve got things mixed up, this person is playing as the Mage to begin with.