Actually though, right after new years is about when my seasonal depression turns back into regular depression
Actually though, right after new years is about when my seasonal depression turns back into regular depression
Ya, next question
He looks like the bad guy in Disney’s hunchback of Notre Dame on the right
Wasn’t that china?
The rotary engine, also known as the Wankel engine
If somebody asks me it’s loser, but this is my true answer
I was gonna say that’s bucatini. I like bucatini though, except for how long it takes to boil.
Apparently I’m big dummer. I don’t get it
I think that contrast is a big part of this that isn’t really controlled for. During the test, the colors took up my whole screen, so against the black bezel of my phone in my dimly lit room they seemed to look more blue. But at the end when it says “For you, turquoise [color swatch] is blue”, that color swatch was against a white background, and in that context it looked more green to me.
Yikes, you’re right. Should’ve skipped. Fuckin hell guys