Weirds me out that they all look the same (I know two are brothers). All have 4 letter first names, 9 letter last names and are total pieces of shit!
Weirds me out that they all look the same (I know two are brothers). All have 4 letter first names, 9 letter last names and are total pieces of shit!
I am in two different mindsets.
Love that Warhammer is finally getting a show, and it’s being produced by a real fan who will put everything he can into making it awesome (at least I hope so anyways).
But, I also fucking hate Games Worksop. We already had amazing content made by fans and it was free. They have clamped down on their IP so hard it nearly choked to death.
deleted by creator
The increased activity follows a visit by Taiwan’s President to the US, which China views as a threat to its sovereignty.
What isn’t a threat to China at this point?
Regardless of the outcome of this case, the point has been made.
Wanna kill someone and be popular at the same time, kill the rich.
Officer Tyler Frye, who has only been on the job for about six months, and a fellow officer responded to the McDonald’s where the suspect was spotted, the AP reports.
They asked him to pull his blue medical mask down and “recognized him immediately” Frye said. “We didn’t even think twice about it, we knew that was our guy.”
Frye said, “It feels good to get a guy like that off the street, especially starting my career this way, it feels great.”
Yeah… Great job. I’m sure your corporate overloads will appreciate it.
That wasn’t the kind of bait I was expecting in the comments.
He may not be the best right now, but the dude is a future champion.
He said his ex left, not the other guy in the shower.
Doesn’t mean it’s wrong either; try to provide something to say otherwise.
Also how old does data need to be before it’s dismissed as ‘too old’?
In more than half of dog bites the breed is unknown. So that’s the end of your line of reasoning.
Are you able to provide a link or a study stating this, or are you just providing your opinion here? Happy to have this discussion. But you seem to just be angrily dismissing my comment out of disagreement rather than facts.
The bull-and-terrier was a breed of dog developed in the United Kingdom in the early 19th century for the blood sports of dog fighting and rat baiting. It was created by crossing the ferocious, thickly muscled Old English Bulldog with the agile, lithe, feisty Black and Tan Terrier. The aggressive Old English Bulldog, which was bred for bear and bull baiting, was often also pitted against its own kind in organised dog fights, but it was found that lighter, faster dogs were better suited to dogfighting than the heavier Bulldog. To produce a lighter, faster, more agile dog that retained the courage and tenacity of the Bulldog, outcrosses from local terriers were tried, and ultimately found to be successful.
They were made primary for dog fighting, and fighting is ingrained into their nature, in the same way that retrievers were made to retrieve. I have also provided information in another comment here that breaks down the fatalities caused by dog breeds each year and pit bulls kill more than all other breeds combined.
Even if they were bred for something else entirely a singular breed of dogs causing the majority of fatalities each year is clearly dangerous. So dangerous that something should be done to ensure the public’s safety.
there is also roughly a dozen different breeds on the list of dogs commonly mistaken for pits.
Do you have any evidence to support this statement? It would need to be pretty substantial to offset the large proportion of Pit Bull breeds.
I dont say this to be dismissive, I would actually be pretty interested in reading what you have.
Exactly. Which is the main reason I posted the fatalities graph instead of just attacks. People aren’t as likely to report a small dog biting them, but you have to keep a report of deaths caused.
And an average of 67% of all fatalities is far beyond the expected amount caused by “bad owners”.
Plenty of breeds of dogs are bought by bad owners with the intention of being used as attack dogs. But there is no way you can write off such an overwhelming percentage of pit bull attacks to this reasoning.
Every time a pit bull attacks anything you will always see this argument brought up to defend the breed. If this was truly the case other breeds of dogs would be high up on the list too (Rottweilers and German Shepards come to mind). But they aren’t even close to the percentage of Pit attacks.
Some attacks can be attributed to this fact, but because pit bulls alone make a majority of attacks across all breeds indicates that this cannot be the case.
Additionally out of all breeds of dog, I couldn’t think of a worse breed biting me. All dogs attack, but many bite and release, pits don’t.
I am convinced this is a troll.
Retaliation to haters posted in a wholesome sub.
Pit Bulls being the most hated breed of dog out there (and for good reason).
OP calling everyone a “Dog Racist”
Each year 60% to 80% of dog attacks are caused by a single breed, fuck these animals. A Chihuahua may be more aggressive, but a person can easily fight those things off, a pit will lock onto anything and won’t release till they’re dead.
Retrievers retrieve, Pointers point & Pit Bulls are made to fight, its in their nature.
Edit: go ahead and down vote OP. Watch as that doesn’t change my opinion.
Christmas Man! Christmas Man!
Does whatever a Santa can.
Brings a gift, any size.
Laughs aloud when he flies by.
Look out!
Here comes the Christmas Man!