That does complocate things
That does complocate things
Or his health inusurance will get denied due to prexisting ear wounds.
You cant sell out by turning democrat. Closest possible thing is a republican somehow offending the other republicans, and turning to democrat in the hopes that the democrats will accept them and protect them from political retribution. Which democrats probably wont, were not known for our spine so much as our quick judgements.
Um akshually it was a customer that reported them to an employee, who then reported them to the cops.
Didnt watch the video, did however read the article and find that out. Its still worth mirroring the screenshot for posteritys sake, a lot of this information will be scrubbed from the internet. I do however plan to embed text into the screenshot stating that this is not confirmed to be the rat. I do appreciate you looking out for innocents though.
I don’t personally want anyone to be caught in the crossfire other than traitors and the enemy. Luigi did not harm anyone other than his target, and it would shame the movement and his goals for others to go scorched earth. Therefore it is our duty to not only earadicate the wealthy class, but also to shelter the truly innocent among the lower classes. I cant say that a single life is too great a cost, the stakes are simply too high for that kind of idealism, but allowing rage to get ahead of class solidarity harms everyone. Thank you.
I definitely qualify here. My job will not survive without me, every level of managment and customers, fellow employees, etc acknowledges that. I put in my two weeks a couple days ago citing low wages and several documented promises of pay increases that were never realised. Instead of offering me any pay raise at all, the higher ups basically said that they are willing to let the buisness fail before they give me a pay raise. Id like to have a FAFO moment but… they seem like they are actually willing to lose 5000/d to avoid giving me a dollar more. And its definitely not a case of them not being able to afford it, new hires make more than I do despite my 4 years of training. The other day I was informed that I am literally the only one currently employed here that knows how to open the buisness.
Yeah fair, not sure why i had a sudden moment of smartass. I even thought about that before i posted that comment. No excuse, but today has been a sad day
I mean by sharing the link you already shared it, but i got the video to work and i screenshotted it in case they do take it down. Ill upload to a mirror later
Bruh wtf waluigi doesnt deserve that comparison
Nah, its more that if i had a way to impact the system, id do so in a heartbeat even if it meant my death so that others could benefit. Hence, I expect the same of the people that have been through what ive been through. The customer and the employee have the privileged position because they evidently dont know that hardship or dont care. How you work at mcdonalds and dont understand that rich people are evil is beyond me, so for the employee im leaning more towards doesnt care. Which, again, due to experiancing the trauma of living in the US and not being wealthy, means that he is the definition of a class traitor and is on the level of the CEOs. He saw an opportunity to get his, fuck everyone else.
Not sure if they took it down or what, but theres no images of the customer, and the video that presumably shows them wont play or load on my phone. You got a screenshot? Also didnt see a hometown listed unless they grew up in that town
I suspect the second indecipherable is because they did not want to give the public a “name” to unite behind, kinda like how democrats started calling enemies “weird”.
Imagine if he called them “assholes” or smth, the public would latch onto that and use it as a rallying standard.
I dunno, i repeatedly left negative reviews for robinhood. They got removed a couple times, but i can log in to my second account and still see my review, so if you do it enough eventually itll slip through.
I have that user marked as “dumbass troll”, I wouldnt recommend engaging with them.
It wasnt even new york cops that caught him, brave of you to assume they ever did their job in the first place
ITT people not understanding quantum computing nor incremental progression nor fund raising. Not sure if that one guy is railing against fusion or not 🤦
Im not sure there is anyone who wouldnt want him to assassinate their ass. That mcdonalds worker definitely wants his ass assassinated.
Oh cool, so when are they getting to microplastics and coal pollutants? You know, the things that are actually confirmed already to fuck you up?
He drained the swamp to make ot easier for the swamp momsters to get around