If the United States was a family, Missouri would be the creepy bachelor uncle who drives a pickup with flags, won’t set foot out of the house without a gun and has a computer with a Don’t Tread on Me wallpaper and a D drive full of bondage porn.
If the United States was a family, Missouri would be the creepy bachelor uncle who drives a pickup with flags, won’t set foot out of the house without a gun and has a computer with a Don’t Tread on Me wallpaper and a D drive full of bondage porn.
Meta: The whole tone of this article is weird.
It’s as if it’s written explicitly by and for some entirely separate social group that’s sort of condescendingly viewing the quaint folkways of members of a “primitive tribe.”
Which is likely pretty close to the truth, in a way.
No war but class war.
Mace actually sort of fascinates me.
Her hateful bigot piece of shit act is a bit too over-the-top, and I just don’t entirely buy it. I keep thinking at least some part of it is that she’s actually more of a greedy unethical piece of shit, and has figured out that hateful bigoted piece of shit is a profitable role to play, and she’s playing it to the hilt.
Not that it matters - she’s a piece of shit either way. It’s just an idea that wanders through my mind, a bit more solidly every time, whenever she sleazes her way into the headlines.
I’ve been posting on internet forums for almost 30 years now. It’s just a thing I like doing.
I’m here now because it’s the best place I know of at the moment.
Or more precisely, Meta bought shares of Trump.