Your question was disingenuous and you know it.
Your question was disingenuous and you know it.
If you’re ever in Austin, Tx, there’s a place called Mexta that serves them as a side. Best ones I’ve had outside Mexico.
It makes sense at scale the U.S. Military operates at.
Just one of the many steps along the road to perfection: counterstrike.
All games eventually evolve a counterstrike mod. It’s the carcinisation of games.
You’re telling me stealing a Russian aircraft carrier, putting it in orbit, and then dropping it on the Kremlin is… unfeasible?!
They’ll be lucky if the police don’t kill them in the raid.
That’s a great question, and one for the people you voted for to answer.
Well, just to loop back around, this means all those “probably”'s up there are very likely “probably not”'s.
Good! But do the people you vote for support that?
Wouldn’t it be in everyone’s best interest to make those workers legal and pay them a fair wage? They’re already doing the job, so if they’re bad at it and not worth the wage increase to the business owner, wouldn’t that mean other people could now out compete the immigrants for those same jobs?
Doing this would avoid a sudden labor market upset, extend amnesty to the businesses AND their underpaid employees (avoiding violence and suffering for everyone involved), guarantee a fair wage for all the workers involved (current and future), and make those positions competitive on the market.
The only downside is an increase in prices which is going to happen in every other case anyway.
All of that is in the realm of “hopefully” and none of it is in the realm of “will happen because a law says it must.”
If citizenry is the magic spell that makes employees pay people more money, why not make all the undocumented citizens with jobs citizens?
Creating a sudden and violent work shortage across a large swath of industries sounds like blowing a hole in the country’s foot when the requested results is just a few dollars higher wages. Why not make those industries pay higher wages by law? You could even mandate that those industries verify citizenship before hiring new people if you really wanted to, and provide a path to citizenship for the people who are already here and proving they can do a job and pay taxes.
Paying more wages is going to raise prices in either case, why choose to leave positive outcomes to chance when lawmakers can literally mandate the positive outcomes.
Neither of those things are laws that raise wages.
The first one will reduce supply of all sorts of things, which will raise prices. And it’s back to hope again that the suppliers raise wages.
The second one is a tool to raise prices, with no direct way of raising wages so that’s kinda the opposite actually.
Any Republicans out there putting forth laws that directly raise wages?
Did they though? Will we get laws to raise wages?
most people didn’t vote.
why hope when you can vote for people who will pass laws to make the wages go up?
Anon has discovered the origin of religion.