Hey thanks! React Compiler is pretty neat. :)
Punch nazis, trebuchet TERFs.
I am building Voyager, a client for lemmy!
Hey thanks! React Compiler is pretty neat. :)
Good news! I found the issue I think. So it should be in the next release.
Not sure on that. I’ll have to check. Is anyone else having issues?
I’ve thought about it, but how rarely this would be done vs the repercussions of accidentally blocking a large instance (even with a confirm button) makes me second guess…
Maybe I should make a power user setting, idk.
Use the all feed if you want to browse posts from everywhere.
If you want to actually connect to an instance without signing in, to view its local feed for example, you can go through the normal login process and login with empty credentials. It will prompt you to connect as guest.
No prob. And don’t worry, it’s for the greater good, the new build process is amazing. :)
ppls that want to live on the bleeding edge can now use https://beta.vger.app/ (PWA), Testflight (iOS) or Open Testing (Android) and they will get every single update to main
branch! Should help catch bugs earlier too.
I’ve been upgrading the build process and there was a bug with the PWA deployment where it was deploying changes directly to vger.app. It should be fixed now though, and only update with releases :)
If you see any issues in the future just lmk
OK I just checked, on the keyboard I had to press the clipboard icon to paste. Long press didn’t initially work for some reason. After I pasted from the keyboard, long press to paste worked. Weird, must be some android quirk.
Edit: This might help (sorry for the reddit link): https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS21/comments/r0m6ub/clipboard_no_longer_accessible/i15sk5n/
Typically, and prior to the Android 12 update, if I long-pressed or double pressed a text field, an option would come up for paste and clipboard. Now, however, the clipboard option is not showing up. I can’t seem to figure out how to re-enable this option, and as someone who used it frequently, I’d really like to have it back.
Figured it out finally! Open keyboard to type and click on the little 3 dots upper right and it brings up a menu with clipboard as an option. This was frustrating!
What do you mean? I need more information to help you.
Voyager doesn’t have a global API key, it requests a temporary one per device. There are limits, but not really clear, really depends on what redgifs feels like doing.
I do plan on exposing the error message received from redgifs for more clarity in the future
if you chill on the porn for a day or so it should start working again 😜
Thanks for letting me know! There is a fix currently rolling out for beta users and a release will probably be rolled out tomorrow.