Another asshole looking for an adjustment
Another asshole looking for an adjustment
And we cut a ton of stuff out of them. Only one book report on a given topic or you gotta buy a new set of encyclopedias.
And yet, considering OPs post everyone goes in the same basket apparently
Thanks. This is a real perspective changer of a thread for me.
I think we can absolutely agree to the fact that the system is broken.
I would love help to fix it, but I have to operate in it for the time being. I even want to play on the leftist team, but I find it pretty unsatisfying though to get spit on by the rest of the team you know?
This post really kinda summarizes it for me. Regular people trying to make it? Nah fuck em. You’re the same as big asshole real estate. Man that sucks to read and it makes me indignant. It’s a totally shit thing to hear when I’m ready to give something for nothing because people just deserve it, you know? I don’t even own a second property and it makes me salty.
All I want to do is save so I can help my kids through college and maybe buy a house where they can have a flat piece of ground for a swing set and to throw a ball around. If I can give extra I will, but dammit threads like this really want to paint people like me as assholes.
I do not prefer it.
I wasn’t exaggerating anything except the bank account limit.
There are plenty of locations where owning an extra residence is not denying a basic human need, and more to the point there is a level of “wealth” that is basically the whole run of 6 figures to 7 figures where you probably can’t retire, you can cover college for kids, and you’re on board with most leftist concepts. On that train yeah it does sometimes make sense to buy property. I hope one day to afford something like that. But I refuse to see a place that is mostly safe to park money while the next president lights stuff in fire to put me on the same level as rental companies buying every property on the market.
So where does the money go then?
It’s leeching to landlord. It’s leeching to put it in the market to get passive income. There’s some magical point where it’s too much money to keep in a bank account by either FDIC or people saying “bro there are homeless folks on the street!”
If you have money in any quantity, it makes no sense not to put it to work. I can take it out and out it in a mattress in my house for safe keeping, but functionally that’s stupid. There are plenty of people who aren’t trying to screw anybody who have more money than makes ends meet AND are onboard with the same causes, but for some reason we gotta do a scarlett L if they put it in real estate?
For the I have less than 1M but more than 100K crowd, I don’t know what the general population of this thread expects. This is the wealthiest most of us can ever hope to be. It’s not by any means fuck you money, but it sure gets fuck you treatment.
My dad always told me when I was younger that when I grew up and had more money I’d be republican. Something along the lines of that saying that says young people who aren’t lefties have no hearts and older people who aren’t righties have no brains.
I wouldn’t say I have a LOT of money, but I’m a single digit percenter in my state. I’m happy to give and I often do. And I’m involved in the community and local politics to hopefully leave things better than I found them. I think you are right that many people might become unprincipled and change their tunes, but I also think there are many people in my shoes who want to help who get rage spit on by people who aren’t as fortunate. It is super dissonant to me.
Sure, don’t be a leech and profit off of the suffering of others. ALSO don’t be an ungrateful dickbag when I’m willing to offer you something I have, you need, and there’s no reason outside basic human decency I should give it to you.
All landlords are parasites? Fuck off, I’m gonna put my money where it is most likely to hang out until my kids need it or the country explodes. Then I’ll be happy to share around the remainder.
Free money is not a thing… Except for people who do nothing that anybody wants to trade for money, and then it’s their entitlement and fuck everyone else?
And yes everyone deserves housing, food, healthcare, and a shot at happiness. But taking something for nothing on the backs of people with more to offer than you and then being an ungrateful dick about it saying you just deserve it is pretty off-putting. Let’s all share and make sure everybody gets a shake, but JFC be gracious and say thank you if you are on the take of the system. Putting money in real estate by a college campus is not the same as buying up every new house on the market in an area, I just want a place to put my money that isn’t going to go tits up before I can put my kids through college.
Some people don’t have shit to offer society, and some of those people ARE rich. Some of them are not rich, and gotta have a big fucking pair of nuts to throw around words like “leech”.
Do you agree with my spending assessments? I don’t think it’s quite so cut and dry as you’re laying out
I appreciate that there is not an annual meeting of all leftists, and I honestly consider myself a lefty except for this weird fetishisation of how money can be spent by middle class people. It’s nonsense.
I agree, there are lots of options. I’m asking you for the leftist allowable top list.
If I put it in the stock market and make money for nothing, I’m a parasite. If I buy a vacation house and rent it the other 2/3 of a year I’m not using it, I’m a parasite. If I save it and suddenly accrue more than some magic limit, then someone is on the street and I don’t liquidate to them I’m a Taylor Swift parasite.
So I’m asking you: What am I allowed to do with extra money above and beyond what I need to survive the winter, pay for my healthcare, and house myself and my family? 🤔
Have you considered, on the other side of that coin, if you don’t have that money to be a parasite for doing little to no work at some point in your life, you’re a parasite because you have nothing to contribute that anybody wants?
Nobody needs to go without a place to live or be hungry and we can ALL fight to make sure that’s the case, but don’t be an entitled fucker in the crab bucket because you kinda suck at decision making.
EVERYONE deserves a place to live, something to eat, medical care, clothes to wear, etc etc, but let’s not be delusional: some people are taking shit they in no way shape or form contributed to receiving. So maybe don’t be we don’t toss around words like “parasite” when you need a handout, yeah?
What is a person who made good (or lucky) decisions and made enough money to be comfortable in the present but not so much to retire supposed to do with their money?
Give it to you instead?
Sure, billionaires and X00 millionaires don’t need to exist, but so far as I can tell “leftists” are a .ml / tankie crab bucket. Fuck me for having more money than you but not enough to take the homeless off the street as is my obligation. Please tell me how to keep leftist virtue so I can have ~30 upvotes to retire on.
They mean everyone. It’s inconceivable that anyone would keep any wealth for themselves or their children. To .ml leftists your aunt is the same as T swift and there is no tasteful away to ever possibly have a better situation than they have.
Fuckem :)
Bring me your downvotes.
Nobody needs to be a billionaire, but that’s a tax and government problem. Nobody needs to starve, see above. ALSO, stupid people and smart people exist, and sometimes it’s YOUR FAULT for being on the dumb end of the stick.
Also ear spoons.
It’s for directly consuming the mug o’ ranch we traditionally serve with a small plate of garnish weeds in the US.
Idk, I never had problems getting the business part of the spoon into my mouth.
Never could get the whole handle too though…
Cool, this thread is about gerrymandering though.
Yes. Play as absolutely dirty as possible.
That’s the only way to get laws to outlaw loopholes. There’s no incentive for cheat-to-win to stop cheating because the losing side gets really noble about it.
I hope he broke out his fucking teeth