At the end of the day of course the solution to forming the most accurate opinion of Stalin is to study Stalin.
I’ll point though that apparently my stance has some merit since Stalin himself with his “What was I to do?” is at the very least considering his situation as problematic.
As a last contribution to the discussion, which I’ve been glad to take part of and that I’m grateful you invested time and effort in, even in recent time we have instances of head of states that ultimately grow exhausted with their role and honestly desire to step down. That’s not always possible, especially when so much of the state is directly tied to their person (kings, for example), and does not prove they previously chased, and/or held, that position with selfless disposition.
Thanks again for the thoughtful and well sourced contribution.
Fuck if I know, but it looks a lot like the Temple of Portunus…
Capitel and colums are in greek style, maybe the stairs give it away?