slanted roof also gets the rain and snow off. there’s a reason flat rooved architectural styles are more popular in warm, dry environments
slanted roof also gets the rain and snow off. there’s a reason flat rooved architectural styles are more popular in warm, dry environments
is that thing in the upper right a slice of cabbage?
i don’t see how that’s much more incriminating than just having the gun. it’s not like there’s any evidence or any charges that she had plans to use it or anything. she literally just served time for bringing the gun.
why would he do that?
he stands to make “several million dollars” due to Trump’s continued use of the song.
oh, right.
it’s not sketchy, it’s basically a captcha to keep down automated bot sign ups, and they link to that document in particular, i assume, because the devs are marxists and figure folks who are vehemently anti-communist would refuse and thus keep down their moderation load.
all ya’ll admitting to ironing your clothes in the comments are a bunch of dweebs, just saying.
true, but as the article explains, in some places, the legal definition of bestiality does not require a penis to be involved, nor does it provide exceptions for artificial insemination of farm animals.
the ‘bestiality problem’ is not (thankfully) that people are out there having sex with cows in droves, but that, in their relentless pursuit of profit, the meat/dairy industries are probably violating the law, and definitely violating the livestock, on a massive scale.