Yah but they don’t respond well to custom loadings, niche use case but not totally obsolete.
Yah but they don’t respond well to custom loadings, niche use case but not totally obsolete.
Can I PLEASE just get a bubbly drink with caffeine that is unsweetned. The canned coffee is all too expensive and most of that has sugar in it to.
Just give me a sparkling unsweetened tea with extra caffeine. Is that to much to ask?
As someone else said, it’s a betting site, and the numbers it is showing are based on how much has been bet on any given candidate.
I think it’s fair to say that it’s not a reliable indicator of actual odds. It’s essentially a money weighted poll from a self selected population (people who would use an online betting site to bet on an election). So, it is not a good random sample of American voters, let alone a random sample of voters from swing states that actually decide the outcome.
Ok, but that would be interesting, adapting the cyber punk systems to a D&D world. Like, there are meaningful differences between it and D20, particularly with how damage and combat work.