Rolling down hills?
Rolling down hills?
It’s more likely than you’d think. My cat and my rats used to be inseparable.
Hey man, can you front me an 8th?
Obligatory hail Satan!
It just fucking is, kiddo.
He can do it on a fucking unicycle for all I care, that’s not at all what I’m saying.
I don’t like it here.
I can almost guarantee the bed of that particular truck has never seen a brick, or any other building material.
I saw a lifted truck the other day, and not only did it not have a trailer hitch, it didn’t even have a spot where one could be installed. I don’t know much, but it seems to me that if you’re not using your pickup truck for hauling, then you shouldn’t even have one.
How the fuck is this acceptable?
I’ve tried h once or twice.
After surviving my Baptist upbringing, I became an atheistic Satanist. It started as an act of pure spiteful rebellion, but over time grew into something more. I am no longer a member of any Satanic organization, but I still walk the left hand path to this day.