yeah, but “It’s almost christmas” means it isn’t christmas!
the account is my alt
it was a joke but now I am the clown
yeah, but “It’s almost christmas” means it isn’t christmas!
at least he won’t be made into a slave for the rest of his life, (by nintendo, at least) poor Bowser
for once I hope that you do get greedy
for some reason this post isn’t appearing on my profile and the community doesn’t appear in the search, weird
you can set cheat programs not to show/target cloaked spies, I bet you could do the same for disguised spies too
we shouldn’t have had to transition but if you didn’t know they were doing this then you probably haven’t tried to play the game within the last 5 years
When I was led to you
I knew you were the one for me
I swear the whole world could feel you, MC
How DOOM hold heat and preach non-violence?
Shh, he about to start the speech, c’mon, silence!
On one starry night, I saw the light:
Heard a voice that sound like Barry White said, “Sure you’re right”