Even with all of that money, bringing yourself to say all that empty, whack bullshit has to feel very strange and uncomfortable on the heels of such an event. Man should be feelin a lot like Ronald McDonald rn 🤡
Even with all of that money, bringing yourself to say all that empty, whack bullshit has to feel very strange and uncomfortable on the heels of such an event. Man should be feelin a lot like Ronald McDonald rn 🤡
Smug old pos deserves his face to be trampled under rubble and boots until the wind no longer blows in pissrael
love it, get your weak ass up bitch ass mitch. Quit your fuckin job if you’re unfit you frail shit. Bow out and decay in the sewers ASAP feeble trash
them thicc piggies all got the same haircut that’s adorbs
brah’s just GAPIN’ out this sweet lil possy omg y’all
dawg you’re onto the fine fine 😘🤌
Smh the Burger King keeps the ‘g’ in G code 🤞 they wouldn’t go out like this
It really must be quite the experience living life as though there’s always some savior in waiting.
gonna put this dumb mother fucker on an airbrushed tee like he’s already dead
chalk yourself out ya big dumb bastard, show the sharks where that menstrual leak is bitch-made mf