Santa Claus bag sized.
Santa Claus bag sized.
Yeah they can eat a whole bag of dicks.
If somebody’s got the itch and just has to go shoot up something this is a way, way better thing to copycat than school shooters.
Probably more fear from seeing how the public at large has reacted.
Ok, I give. Is this an actual quote from the show? It’s totally in character for Wharf after hearing that Christmas song for the first time.
Be ready for four years of pathetic.
Some nasty disease that his insurance won’t cover the cost of treating?
Also a massive yobber
Being a tech guy, I was wondering if he had a deadman’s switch set up to release something if he didn’t make a check in. That’s probably how I would go about it.
This is how anons are conceived.
Entitled shit stains.
What we need is a government-operated fediverse instance to serve as a public forum.
That sounds like something Bernie or AOC would advocate for. It would honestly be pretty lit for a bit, before being taken over by lobby industry bots.
Awesome response. I do not hold any grudges against the early over-moderation that took place. It is truly a sensitive subject. However, I feel allowing free speech (within reason) in a situation like this is important for both sides (the Bourgeoisie and all of us poors) as it gives us a chance to vent some pent up steam and it hopefully gives them an insight into how close things are to getting out of control and give them a chance to correct some bad behaviors.
Of all the horrible and douchy things Trump is going to get up to in the very near future this one is actually a little on the lol side for me. His mind is such a dumpster fire.
Did you believe all of this convenient rapid heating of food and beverages would come without a cost?!?
If papa Putin wasn’t too busy paying attention to his failed war with Ukraine it probably wouldn’t have happened. It comes down to crumbling competence amongst the leadership.
You will never escape the lazy people. They’re at every job.
ngl costume is pretty good