It’s a long way from over, a lot more can happen.
It’s a long way from over, a lot more can happen.
Ok but gingerbread is cooked, cooked human flesh smells good ignoring where it came from, from what I hear.
But that is almost worse if you think about it.
do gingerbread men make miniture houses out of brick and mortar during the holidays?
Is nan an acronym for something on the asexual spectrum, a typo for man or are you saying grandma’s can’t get it on?
Great idea! So long as the current safety laws for aviation are followed. That would disqualify most people from flying and dramatically reduce the number of personal vehicles in use.
There’s a lot of cool science stuff on tik tok too.
Eating carnavores is a pretty bad idea, they accumulate parasites, they taste terrible (too lean, too tough, and a lot of the nastiness of the meat they eat acumulates in their meat) and it makes no sense to farm them for meat as whatever you feed them probably tastes better and provides more meat for less effort.
Dogs are omnivores (and can be raised vegetarian), a much better choice.
I hate that mechanic, if they are going to go that “realistic” route then let you keep the half filled magazine
The meme has an “or” in it though. About 20% of Canadian bankruptcy is due to health and illness. Here in Canada the maximum disability in ~1500cad a month, which might pay your rent if you live in a really really cheap area. Part of the reason it’s bad like that is because it is so often compared to America, and often greatly exaggerated like in this meme.