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  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Why don’t the Big 3 (Universal, Warner & Sony) just come together and make their own streaming service with all their music,

    Careful what you wish for. It’s long been a concern of mine that we’ll see a fragmentation of the music streaming market, with the same results as in TV.

    You know how one show you like is on Disney+ and one is on Netflix and two are on Amazon, and one is on Paramount and so on…? Result is you either miss shows or pay a fortune.

    Imagine that with your favourite bands, except you need a Warner subscription to listen to one band, a Sony one to listen to another, etc.

    It’s bad enough with some things not being on one music service while they are on another one, or with songs being there and then gone and then back again for utterly opaque reasons. If the labels get the idea that they can cut out the middle man and gate off their artists from any service but their own, it’ll be awful.

  • I think it’s his strongest film in terms of characters, probably in part because it’s an adaptation of a novel. They feel like real (or at least more real) people to me than those in any of his other movies, who are often a bit more cartoonish.

    The stuff about Jackie and Max getting older and looking at what they have made of their lives so far is excellent, and I think really helps up the tension when they are in danger later.

    It also feels like a more mature film, more thoughtful and less flashy than most of his work. Which of course is ironic since it was only his 3rd movie and he’s made many more crash-bang-wallop movies since then!

  • Haven’t seen Death Proof, so that apart…

    1. Jackie Brown
    2. Pulp Fiction
    3. Kill Bill Pt 1
    4. Kill Bill Pt 2
    5. Reservoir Dogs
    6. Hateful 8
    7. Django Unchained
    8. Inglourious Basterds
    9. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

    Although, in terms of how much I enjoy them there are really 3 closely grouped bands:

    1 Jackie Brown
    2 Pulp Fiction
    3 Kill Bill Pt 1
    4 Kill Bill Pt 2
    5 Reservoir Dogs

    6 Hateful 8
    7 Django Unchained
    8 Inglourious Basterds

    9 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

    Really hated OUATIH.