Whaaaaat the fuuuuck
Whaaaaat the fuuuuck
If my kid gets some kind of mutated polio that gets around his vaccine from this shit, I know who will be on a list.
Hello fellow closet resident! Umm… I have been watching a lot of Americas top model because I like to learn beauty stuff and practice poses that are more feminine.
Where can I get this lol
Financial extermination. But threat of violence would’ve been my next step in trial and error. It’s my family… I’d do anything for them. People even told me I should’ve. It was a tough situation and I was young. A little younger than Luigi.
I unfriended and blocked my former pastor prior to the election due to various reasons. He moved to North Carolina to get away from “liberal” Virginia, and was a RFK jr Stan. I wonder what he thinks of the nonsense that has been going on since the election. He was also formally a libertarian
Agreed. It’s straight up murder
Threatening the hospital that was denying my father care, leaving him to die, was the only way I got into the literal board room to reason with them. I got them to resume treatment after they dicked around for a month and he refused to leave because he was going to die if he left.
He still died because he was so sick at that point that they couldn’t do the procedure he needed when he first arrived.
So I threatened them in 2010, and I’d fucking do it again now for my child. We are supposed to stand up for our loved ones.
How I hope the elite feel while dining.