Post bereavement hallucinations are a thing.
Sorry anon.
Post bereavement hallucinations are a thing.
Sorry anon.
I mean, they do, sometimes, if there is an immediate danger or ongoing crime.
… And they might just barge into the wrong apartment and shoot your neighbor to death.
Or shoot you or your dog to death.
Sometimes they all show up and form a perimeter around an ongoing crime scene and then proceed to let the criminal go around murdering children for an hour, despite massively out numbering and out gunning him, and then spend weeks and months lying about doing exactly that.
Oh you had a break in and your stuff was stolen?
Oh you got mugged and the guy ran away?
Oh your car was stolen?
I mean… sure, the police will show up and write a report…
Investigate anything? Recover your stolen stuff?
Pff, nah.
Luigi 1:6-7
I do apologize for any strife or trauma, but it had to be done.
Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming.
Eyyy, what are you gonna do?
Random CEO assasinations are just a fact of life.
You’re talking to a talking point.
He knows he’s full of shit and refuses to take responsibility for anything.
He was a News mod, as well as mod of many other .world instances which he now is not, on his profile when I made the original comment that incited this chain of comments.
I checked before posting, so as to actually make an accurate critique.
I did not take a screenshot because I did not think that such a thing would be necessary, but apparently this guy is a reddit/discord tier gaslighter.
Hey, be fair now!
They are both hypocritical liars, and stupid.
Legitimately did not know a cat could assume that pose.
What a goober.
You can get like, cooked noodles with shredded, decent quality cheese, which are refrigerable and have maybe a week or two till they go bad… you can get those from some places delis, and they are actually pretty decent when microwaved…
But yeah, the infinite shelf life, dry noodles and cheese powder, just add water… shit is disgusting when microwaved.
You’re really having this conversation here…
… while simultaneously being part of the mod team that bans this source and topic in all the .world instances you moderate?
Luigi 1:7
Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming.
I don’t have a horse in this dog house, but if I did, I wouldn’t look it in the mouth.
Ahaha! I did not catch that.
And its difficulty walking and using my right arm/hand.
Still recovering from homelessness/being assaulted more times than I can remember.
I’ve been to many places where they close the interior and only do drive thru.
Sometimes they will be completely ok with you just walking through the drive thru on foot.
Almost always any other cars that show up will have people inside who will act terrified, like you are completely insane and may at any moment attack them.
Even though they’re the ones that just almost ran you over.
Top Triangloid: Excessive cursing and crassness.
Lower Left Triangloid: Lives with more than one cat.
Bottom Left Right Triangloid:
Occasionally has some difficulty standing up straight and walking properly on dry land.
That is at least a bit more specific than a fling.
wouldn’t that just be ‘friends with benefits?’
Is situationship the new word for fling?
Guess I’m old now.
If its possible for someone to choose an older, less expensive game, then that means those games are market competitors for similar modern games, with more mechanics designed to coax money out of you.
Its basically a hyper charged version of planned obsolesence.