Drinking, smoking, eating, trying to forget my ex, more drinking, etc.
It’s like a regular work day, but coffee is swapped with gin, and emails are switched with cigarillos
Drinking, smoking, eating, trying to forget my ex, more drinking, etc.
It’s like a regular work day, but coffee is swapped with gin, and emails are switched with cigarillos
basic CAD
The tutorial that spawned it all…
“she took my pasta maker, Jerry!”
Because we can’t afford to actually pay our national healthcare workers a living wage, we simply stand outside on some nights and clap together for them in unison. This gives 51% of the country warm feelies, which is much more important than actually paying these essential workers.
I’m genuinely dumbfounded how Italians get anything done after each meal. Probably the double espresso shot right after. But when do they sleep?
“Maybe she was born with it. Maybe it’s Linux, G”
Any good recommendations for someone into:
that just sounds like a normal greeting
capitalism can work if it’s regulated and everyone pays their fare share, but as we all know – that’s not actually capitalism. Still, a lot of people believe in that system and think it can continue to operate as long as the corruptible elements of it are mitigated
…it just sounds like you kissed your phone and then flushed it down the toilet into the septic tank…
To theirs credit, the part about watching their mother suffer was very relatable and felt extremely honest. I guess I was hoping that they would open with something like that instead of talking about their philosophy first. You’re right though, the writer is likely young and I shouldn’t expect so much.
“Heeey Smart People!” – fuck off with that red vs blue bullshit
You’ve been sold a lie. There’s no “Bri’ish” or “Caw blimey guvna”. These are people from the UK who go abroad, suddenly get way more attention for their (slight) accent than they ever did back at home, and play to the popularity by Flanderizing themselves to appeal more to their foreign audience.
Any english/irish/scottish accent you hear on a mainstream TV show is not representative of the general population. Example: the BBC news accent is about as representative of the UK population as the 1950s MidWestern Radio accent was representative of the US population. It’s a caricature that everyone but a foreign audience just mentally tunes out
Or those who make appeals to the self-obsessed. There’s a youtube channel (that keep appearing in my home despite me telling youtube repeatedly that I’m not interested), that starts off every short with “Heey Smart People”.
It’s just the idea of “us” (the smart) vs “them” (the implied dumb) that grinds me because in my experience the difference between these two groups isn’t very big, but people (mostly young adults) really lean into it for reasons of exclusion, fashion, and just general hatred of a strawman.
I liked that the writer stuck with clear and simple english instead of flowering up their prose, but I just feel that using borrowed quips and popart philosophy isn’t an honest way to write. It feels more in line with a teen or a young adult trying to find their voice in the words of others (and we’ve all been there)
What does the first world do when it doesn’t need the third world to produce its goods anymore? It lets the third world starve.
“But surely they’ll need the middle class to keep buying their products!” I’m no longer sure of that. I think they might hunt wales (middle-class) once the fish (working-class) numbers dwindle out for a little while longer… but ultimately they will establish some kind of communism for themselves after they’ve extracted everything from us