Wtf does that have to do with the image you posted?
Wtf does that have to do with the image you posted?
So micro usb, the literal worst standardized usb connector in existence, is what you are claiming is better than an iPhone’s omnidirectional lighting connector.
And you know how I can tell you haven’t ever touched an iPad? 🤦♂️ “an elongated iPod touch” smdh.
Option click is still possible, it just works slightly differently. I literally did it yesterday on my Sequoia work system.
use a different desktop environment
Fair, I think this is one of the worst parts of the Linux “ecosystem”, as it completely fucks anyone that doesn’t know to use whatever the “current hotness” is, but I understand a lot of people like it.
uninstall OS components…
Like what? You mean like running without a login screen or do you mean uninstalling something like systemd?
be absolutely certain…
You can do that with plenty of network scanning apps, and you shouldn’t be doing that on device anyway. Not sure how Linux would stop that when you could install a bad package, or run apt update on something that has had a supply chain vulnerability.
run 32 bit apps
Fair. I haven’t needed this since about two months after Apple made the change, because Apple sure does a good job of getting developers to update their code, but I’m sure there are still some apps people wish worked that never updated.
play video games
Yeah video games on Mac are terrible, no argument there. Literally the only reason I still have a windows computer. Soon as they force 11, I’m switching back to a Linux desktop, but honestly I’m not looking forward to it.
take my laptop
You can do that now and you could before, Apple just didn’t like it and they made it as hard as possible. I agree it’s a shit policy, but I’m mostly asking about the operating system here. For example you could be running a hackintosh.
I still don’t know what that means. You can access the filesystem. You can even install a terminal if you want. And if that isn’t enough you can always jailbreak.
So absolutely nothing to do with Mac at all. And you’re referencing a cable that hasn’t been used in literally over a decade and comparing it to a a cable that you’re using now? You do realize Android phones in 2010 used proprietary cables too, right?
What stuff do you think you can’t tinker with on a Mac?
What stuff do you think you can’t do on Mac? It’s essentially just Linux with better (and more supported) apps.
You don’t need code signing though. Just hold option when you open the app the first time and you’re never bothered about it again. Like the other person said, give us a list of things you can’t do on Mac, that you can on Linux.
Lack of access to the file system? What are you talking about?
Real question, what things on Apple were so restrictive that you think it’s a prison?
When the actors have so much Botox they can’t move their faces. Oh sorry, that happens the second the movie/show starts.
Subway is just about the lowest quality garbage you can get. I think McDonald’s is maybe the only thing lower quality.
lol so when you pull your money out you’re immediately marked by the Feds? Crypto isn’t magic dude, in fact it’s extremely traceable. Only scammers want you to believe it isn’t.
So many typos and grammar mistakes that it actually says the wrong thing.
As detailed in the cross post, all those stories just reference one source. It’s functionally useless information.
I’m very surprised anyone in this community would actually believe this. As several of the cross posts detail, India has better worker protections than this. It’s almost guaranteed fake. Also the text doesn’t match up across the screenshot so it looks photoshopped in some way.
I said no “normal pc owners”. Normal pc owners don’t have high end systems. I didn’t say “nobody”.
2 years in the late 90s early 2000s was a millennia. You can’t compare 99 to 01 in any manner.
Everything you touch and use involves plastics and petrochemicals. Even stuff you wouldn’t think of like the coatings that allow street signs to reflect better and have massively improved safety. Lightbulbs? No more efficiency for you, most LEDs are on a plastic substrate. We will never get away from plastic, not at this point. You could make it so that food isn’t wrapped in plastic and that wouldn’t make a dent in our plastic use.
There already are those documentaries? Jule or whatever it’s called has already been doing the exact same stuff that the tobacco industry did for literally a decade now.
Yeah I’ve literally never had anyone bail on a party. If they are they just aren’t your friends (if they’re doing it consistently, things do happen of course).
I don’t agree with the invite everyone thing, but my brother-in-law does that and it seems to work for him. My wife and I hate it though because he always invites the worst people just because he’s trying to make sure people actually show up. So we get terrible ex girlfriends at things like a family camping weekend.