I’m 34, and i feel hopeless, ive been in relationships that don’t work out and i end up hurting myself, and i find it really hard to find someone who likes the same things as me, and i blame it on my socioeconomic status and my looks. I try to find somewhere to put the blame, but it’s obvious that it’s me.
What sort of person are you looking for? Liking the same things isn’t necessarily a requirement. I think values, humor, and personality can overcome a lack of shared interests (or where maybe just a handful overlap).
EDIT: this lawyer gives some pretty damn solid advice on finding soneone.
I guess enjoy your passions and try to meet people who share the same interested. Don’t focus on the gender or finding a date. Just enjoy yourself. Then, maybe you’ll be happy and alone!
Hah. Or maybe find someone idk
thanks, i agree, I will keep enjoying myself, or find someone i hope.
Start going out for you not for them
This. It’s like interviewing. Even if you really need the work, you’ll be more confident and more engaging if you approach the interview like you are vetting them
First be happy with yourself.
Then, and only then, can you be happy with other people who are happy to just vibe with you.
I mean, i know what things in life that make me happy. it’s just, you would think at my age this shit would of been sorted out, but its like im talking into a echo chamber.
I’ll let you in on a secret… We’re all of us making it up as we go along. And age adds issues, not subtracts. Methuselah didn’t have all his shit together.
yeah, i mean that’s what i’ve been doing so far…
Echo chamber? How do you mean?
like no one else is out there…
Your talking to real life people right now! you are being heard!
Thanks for the kind words.