Might have something to do with him possibly being in a gay sex tape that was leaked, too. That kind of thing isn’t looked kindly on by his fellows. I don’t think he’s denied it’s him, and I can’t imagine he feels very safe around other nazis right now.
I think a lot of these extremists are gay not just the men either. I know a lot of us think that but these extreme misogynist types clearly have absolutely no interest in women and often seem bothered we have them at all
He was charged and immediately released: https://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/nick-fuentes-battery-275931
Presumably is lawyer made it very clear that he is not to say a damn thing under any circumstances. I don’t know enough about him to guess if he’s smart enough to keep his gob shut for the duration of the trial.
And here’s your annual reminder that all prison sentences in the United States are sentences to state-sanctioned slavery and rape.
The more you know.
Nah Lemmy is ready to ride the prison rape joke when convenient.
Duck this dude but fuck prison rape more
I just looked this up and found two surprises.
- Prison rape seems to be in the low single digit percentages. The highest estimates seem to be a 20% life time chance. That’s still way too high but also a far cry from “all”.
- The abnormally large prison population in the US gives it the dubious honor of being the only country in the world where men are raped more than women.
The idea of prison rape being in the low single digits is also being extraordinarily conservative when we consider how safe someone feels to answer honestly in that kind of poll, especially if they were to answer from prison on a life sentence.
Good luck getting accurate answers in circumstances where revealing the conditions in which you exist might worsen or end your existence.
That’s a reasonable argument. It’s so reasonable that several researchers have tried to come up with better estimates and failed. The highest I could find was that 20% lifetimes rate. If you can find better data please share it. I’d love to see it.
Fuck Nick Fuentes, but let’s not celebrate prison rape. It just makes for broken people who are worse than when they went in and that cycle of abuse spreads outside prison walls.
“It’s okay if people I don’t like get raped in jail” (Blade of the sun)
Notorious rape advocates are more than “people I don’t like”.
You kind of abandon the moral highroad when you turn this into a joke about prison rape. It says something bleak about the human condition that people are for prison reform until someone they don’t like gets sent to prison.
Maybe someone will curb stomp him.
I forgot about those! Fuck this French revolution bullshit. Let’s see some Edward Norton American History baby!
He’s not going to jail.
Simple battery, rich white kid. Do the math.
Do the math.
I read that as “do the meth” at first for some reason 😄