Yes, I know this is satire
The first two lines, together with your title did lead me to believe this story was going in a very nasty direction.
ROFL He should be a writer for The Onion!
Iirc he’s a comedian
Over on Twitter, @kenchengcomedy set out to troll all 195 countries’ flags the world over and it turned into quite a feat of endurance.
Someone’s been trolling the flags of all 195 countries and it’s epic or
This dude is a god damn legend.
My previous employer would print out those cringe success and team building story posts from linkedin and hang them around the office because we complained about the working environment, I love that there is good satire of those posts on linkedin now.
take one down and hang this up in its place lol
The more things change the more they stay the same. Before LinkedIn there were motivational posters that were hung around offices. It didn’t take long for the demotivational poster to make its way into the culture just like these posts are now.
Yes, I know this is satire
“Nobody has ever hated their boss.”