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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Welcome friend! I hope your experience is as good as mine with taking meds and living with ADHD.

    I never knew i had it until I was 23 and wadnt officially diagnosed until I was 26. I spent my whole life thinking I was lazy, stupid, and blamed all the other things that my ADHD created like anxiety and depression.

    I went to 2 psychs, one said i had depression which yea no shit, you’d be depressed too if you couldn’t do anything and wanted to do everything all at the same time for over 20 years, but the second psych i went to immediately recommended ADHD meds given all the symptoms i told her about as well as all the things i had already tried or was currently doing and still do to this day.

    Its been an experience learning to not only do what I love/need to do but also rest. Part of me wants to go forever but if I dont rest, ill burn out. Overall its beem very positive for me. My mood is better, I can focus, I dont hear bits of music on reapeat every day all the time, I CAN THINK.

    Absolutely life changing. I feel like i got off easy, first med I tried (generic adderall) has worked very well for me. Only noticeble side effect is I’m less hungry which is fine because i like to intermittent fast anyways.

  • This is rough man, I’m really sorry to hear all that. Christmas is supposed to be a happy time for everyone even without all the gifts.

    Maybe instead of gifts for your kids like physical things, plan a day with just you and them. Do something fun as a family or with each of them individually. Memories like that they can cherish for a long time after this year and gifts dont have to be material.

    Given what you said, it sounds like you could use a day of fun with them.

  • It does vary from person to person. Whats reasonable for you may not be reasonable for others. Libido as well as age is gonna be a factor. Some people do it multiple times a day and others are a couple times a week.

    Again as long as its not hurting you or others, go for it man. Like others in this thread mentioned, in moderation, its a healthy thing to do.

  • Great question.

    Essentially if its not interfering with your life in a meaningful way, you’re fine.

    If it causes you to miss work or if you’re unable to wait until you get home and end up doing it somewhere its not acceptable, then its an issue.

    Or not being able to stop or reduce the frequency can also mean its an issue.

    However, rather than listen to some nobody in the internet, you’d want to consult a medical professional.