That’s the shape those early phones had. The back was curved until the iPhone 4. Now they are all flat backed.
That’s the shape those early phones had. The back was curved until the iPhone 4. Now they are all flat backed.
Shithole states helping us find our way to being one of those shithole countries.
Not to be crass but this would be something to discuss with a therapist.
The point of the saying is that your partner cannot fix you.
It’s has no deeper than saying your partner isn’t your mommy.
Your struggle with this indicates a deeper need that should be discussed with a professional.
But keep in mind a therapist cannot fix you either. They can only guide you to fixing yourself.
Tell me you don’t have children without telling me you don’t have children.
Flesh, clearly.
Anyone who has made ginger bread men and ginger bread houses from scratch understands this. The dough flesh is the same for both.
The real conundrum is why they have bread in their names.
Foreign agents getting the police to kill us, one by one.
Of course the police take zero responsibility. Their accounting of the events includes apply the brakes a piece of information that sounds sus.
Sometimes fixes require sacrifice which is the dilemma presented by the meme.
The way I read it then is that there is no optimistic side for left since that’s the “do nothing” choice and the “take action” choice is the right side.
That should be “risk spending life in prison” – best to stay optimistic when making long term life plans.
How many electoral college votes and house of representative seats would they get with their population?
Not sure this would play in his favor.
That part at least makes sense.
It’s all the voters with their massive gas guzzling vehicles that are voting against their best interest. Over and over again.
More EVs means lower gas prices.
This drives up gas prices.
Killing the tax credit drives up gas prices.
It’s quite remarkable how economically m ignorant a large section of America is. Supply and demand is the easiest model to understand and yet these voters have been positioned to work against their own best interest at a basic economic level.
And this is only one a hundreds of examples. Fascinating time to be alive.
Slay dragons. Don’t worship them.
Republicans healthcare policy continues to be, “Hurry up and die”
This is not inherently true. There situations where trying without giving your best leads to a worse situation.
If you want to focus on only self-improvement then you may have a point.
That wasn’t just assault, that was attempted murder! Guy’s luck the cop didn’t empty a clip into each of them.
Makes me think of the South Park episode where they keep screaming, “it’s coming right for me” – pigs see us as wild animals and are ever looking for an excuse to take us out.
What’s the point of second amendment rights and claiming it’s for second amendment solutions then being surprised about this.
The response of the internet should be a wake us call to the billionaires of the world. The kindling for revolution has piled up and it is only a matter of time before they all end on its pyre.
I don’t expect things to go shift like they did during the Guilded Age. That was the aberration. Historically it has not been as nearly as bloodless. And today the people are armed in a way they never have been before. Ironically it’s the political party of the billionaires that has supported their arming.
Their hubris will be their downfall. Whether it be this moment or another. The number of people with little to live for does not the benefit the wealthy.
Did you just assume our minority status?
Project harder angry white savior!
I vote we bring back “die in a fire” for the type of person you are responding to. Them fucking off hasn’t worked and doesn’t elicit a response that equals the damage their rhetoric has caused.
That control only exists as long as demand increases. They need oil revenue. Less demand means they need to increase supply to maintain revenue. Increased supply means prices fall. These are incredibly basic economic principles. Every EV sold decreases their control.