Divisive topic and comment section, but IMO that feels like a fair change. No stance on this topic will ever not be divisive, but I think this is probably the most impartial stance that could be taken
Divisive topic and comment section, but IMO that feels like a fair change. No stance on this topic will ever not be divisive, but I think this is probably the most impartial stance that could be taken
No, but it may as well be considered sterile for normal purposes. Boiling doesn’t actually kill everything - endospores and also fungal spores are ridiculously hardy, and you’d need to autoclave (steam at high pressure) in order to really kill everything. And microbes are everywhere, so the tea is going to get colonized again really quickly unless you pay special attention to making sure that that doesn’t happen. Don’t attempt to can or store the tea, if that’s what you’re trying to do. Also, if you’re attempting to use unsanitary water to make tea, be aware that some bacteria and fungi make toxins that can’t be destroyed by boiling, so even if you manage to kill off the microbes, you can still get sick.
Plastic food containers. I mean, we already know it’s pretty bad, but I would not be surprised if it ends up being way worse than we think. That, and most aerosols. Febreze, hairspray, spray tans, things of that nature
People crave routine, and experiencing a lifestyle change can be really difficult for a lot of people. It’s the same reason why domestic abuse victims don’t leave their abusers, or why people stay in loveless marriages - in their minds, it’s easier to bear with the abuse than to adapt to an unknown lifestyle.
But human emotion is short-sighted. It can only see imminent uncertainty and change. It’s the role of your conscious mind to think further ahead and determine if you stand to benefit from the change. If you’ve got a job lined up that you think will suit you better, then trust your judgement