Make 3d printable … err … ice picks more accessible 😬
Make 3d printable … err … ice picks more accessible 😬
Israel is totally moving “settlers” into Syria asap. The “southern demilitarised zone” will soon be “Northern Israel” and Israel will be all like “this was always Israel, those people that have been in that 3000 year old concentration camp for generations are all illegal immigrants, how dare they be mad at us for imprisoning them and taking their shit?!”
Yeah but could they be saved and restarted? Or better yet, restarted from an earlier save but with access to older saves?
I think they mean cannelloni cases
Yeah sure, the corrupt misoginistic sexual predator who effectively stole money from other veterans to fuel his workplace sexual abuse is “in it for the war fighters”, nice attempt at deflection guy
Yeah, it’s probably easier to make something that melts icebergs with chemicals or just heat than it is to go 3d printing ice picks