People need to stop supporting Nintendo at all. They’re lawsuit happy assholes who have been doing everything they can to piss away any good will they might have had. They’re the only game company out there who refuses to make enough of many of their products, like their mini NES and SNES, to meet demand because then its “exclusive”, they are the only company trying to destroy all type of emulation for Nintendo consoles, and they’re the only company who seems to actually want their older games to disappear into the ether. Edit: Oh and they fucking refuse to put their games on sale or lower their prices years afterwards. BoTW is still 60 bucks even though it’s 7 and a half years old. Fucking insane.
Fuck Nintendo.
Can’t access the article because I don’t want to make an account, but playing by the rules hasn’t gotten the Democrats anywhere. If one party doesn’t play by the rules, they will almost always win. The only way to fix things and take any amount of power back is to play dirty. And fuck off to people (possibly like the author of this article but not sure since I can’t read the article) who say that that isn’t the right way to do things.
If democrats had gerrymandered their states just like Republicans, things would have been more fair when it comes to distribution of power. But because Democrats decided to make gerrymandering illegal on the state level for their states, the Republicans benefit because of the better drawn districts in those Democrat states. The only way we should have made gerrymandering illegal was on a federal level, doing it on a state level just fucks over Democrats since republican states will either never pass the ballot initiatives or will have the Republican government ignore it when it is passed.
Fuck playing by the rules.