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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • This is such a bad take with literally no evidence to support it. Ignore all the people telling you exactly why they didnt vote for Harris

    No, I’m not ignoring them. I’m calling them out for the bullshit excuses they are.

    Explain to me how any of it makes sense. Explain how you say you don’t support the Gaza genocide, so therefore will allow the guy who promises to genocide harder and faster to return to power.

    Explain to me how you disagree with Harris’ position on immigration, then turn around and allow the guy who’s entire policy is “just deport the brown people” to return to power.

    Explain how you’re upset about the state of the economy, so you’ll allow a man who wants to gut social safety nets so he can give more tax cuts to the wealthy, impose tarrifs that will cause prices to skyrocket, and hired a man who proudly proclaims his intentions to impose even more hardship (his own words) on poor people.

    Explain what makes Liz Cheney different from literally every other Republican politician – including her own father – that either openly endorsed Harris or at least spoke out against Trump. Hundreds of Republicans. Nobody said a god damned word until Liz Cheney – the one Republican politician, remember, who sacrificed her own career to speak out against him while the rest of them ultimately fell in line and supported Trump, which many continue to do to this day now that he’s about to return to the WH. Suddenly, she was the bridge too far. I wonder what separated her from all of the other guys in the GOP that also endorsed her. Guess we’ll never know…

    Explain how the voting base was against an old white guy until he stepped aside and endorsed a black woman. And now they’re saying that they’d have voted for an even older white guy. Funny how age suddenly stopped being an issue.

    How many years have people been asking Republicans to grow a spine and stand up to Trump? And the instant that they decided to do so, you take a giant shit on them and sink Harris’ career for associating with them? How the fuck does that make sense? If that’s the way you’re going to treat people who actually reached across the aisle, you can’t be surprised when the rest of them suddenly have very short arms.

    And before you say it, no, I’m not a Cheney fan and disagree with her on about 99.9999% of policy issues. But Cheney herself wasn’t up for re-election, nor were her policies on any ballot anywhere. She was basically there in a “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” kind of way, trying to tell people to vote for Harris because the alternative was exponentially worse.

    Because for all the people who keep downvoting me, not a single one is willing to answer the question of how allowing Trump to return to power was better in any conceivable way. And if you stayed home, that doesn’t absolve you of guilt because you stayed home knowing damn well that it was essentially the same thing.

  • This is a very long rambling strawman. People didn’t vote for Trump because Harris moved to the right. They stayed home because Harris moved to the right.

    And in the process, they allowed the entire country to be dragged kicking and screaming even further right. Good job guys, you played yourselves.

    I know you don’t want to admit that moving to the right has hit a wall, but it has.

    So the solution to that problem is to stay home and allow the country to be pulled even further right. How’s that working out for you?

    I know you’re only saying a woman of color can’t win because you want the party to shut out AOC if she decides to run in 2028.

    I’m not even going to dignify this comment with a response.

  • They lost because they promised “four more years of this”, and “this” was “you getting poorer every day.” It’s really that simple.

    So voting for a guy who wants to deport a good chunk of our labor supply, enacting tariffs that will cause prices to skyrocket, gutting social safety net programs, and endorsing someone who actively wants to “impose more hardship” on people is the better idea?

    I understand not wanting to have to settle for the “lesser evil” or “least bad” option, so to speak. But there’s a point where you have to suck it up and do that. Allowing the greater evil to rise to power just to “send a message” or whatever is not only shooting yourself in the foot, it’s reloading the shotgun when you realize you missed some toes. You need to know when to pick your battles, and the 2024 election was not the time. All people with this mindset did is just make things worse for everybody.

    People ridicule the GOP for constantly voting against their best interests. But if this is the mindset you have, you’re guilty of the exact same thing.

  • All of the excuses I’m seeing in the comments are a load of bullshit that don’t pass even the most basic scrutiny.

    Democrats didn’t just look at Harris’ immigration policies, then decide “Not good enough, so I think I’ll vote for the person who wants to deport brown people en masse.”

    Democrats didn’t look at Harris and Biden supporting Israel, then decide “I don’t support the genocide in Gaza, so I’m going to vote for the guy promising to genocide harder! That’ll show 'em!”

    Democrats didn’t look at the state of the economy and decide to vote for the guy who’s economic policy was literally “They’re eating the dogs! They’re eating the cats! They’re … eating the pets!”, brought on a guy who outright said he was going to inflict even more economic hardship on people intentionally, and threaten even more tariffs while clearly having no idea how tariffs actually work.

    Democrats spent months saying the old white guy (Biden) needed to go, without regard for the fact that his opponent was another old white guy. Then, when the old white guy stepped aside, Democrats were like “No, not like that!”. And now they’re saying that they’d have gladly voted for an even older white guy (Sanders). Which means that Democrats might have a problem with age, but they’ll gladly vote for an old white guy over a black woman and would rather allow an old white guy to become a dictator before they’d consider voting for one.

    But Democrats (at least the ones on here) did decide that Liz Cheney endorsing Harris was the final straw. They had no problems when numerous prominent members of the GOP were endorsing Trump and saying how dangerous the man is, but Liz Cheney – the woman who literally sacrificed her career to stand up to Trump – was the bridge too far. What was the difference between Liz Cheney and the other GOP members that supported Harris? Cheney was the only prominent woman.

    And that is where the real issue is. This country is not ready or willing to vote for a woman, particularly a black woman, as President. There are plenty of people who look back at Obama’s presidency and have said “Never again”, not because he was a bad president, but because he was black. Plenty of people who have since openly come out and proudly wear their misogyny like a badge of honor. Latinos, particularly men largely known for their beliefs that they are dominant over women and their refusal to cooperate with authorities, were never going to vote for a black woman prosecutor. And plenty of closet racists who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a black woman so either opted to vote Trump or stay home, and are now just looking for another excuse to justify it.

    If Trump had given something even resembling a coherent economic policy, foreign policies meant to actually end the Mideast conflict instead of exacerbating it, or an immigration policy that went beyond “Just deport all the brown people”, then maybe i’d accept that some people voted Trump based on policy, even if I don’t agree with it. But Trump was actively campaigning on making everything exponentially worse, which is why I firmly believe the rest are just excuses for people who don’t want to admit they just didn’t want to vote for a black woman.

  • This, coming from a man who damn well knows he could have single-handedly put a stop to it by voting to convict Trump in either one of his impeachment trials. He still had more than enough power and influence in the GOP to get other senators to vote for a conviction. We are here because he chose not to do so. He decided, as he usually did, to put party over country. And now that the hunter has become the hunted, he has no idea what to do.

    And he voted for this asshole.

    This man knew the leopard was campaigning on eating his face. He voted for the leopard anyway, and is now shocked and surprised that the leopard is going to start eating his face. Fucking moron.

  • The judge thinks that the Sandy Hook families are really concerned about a couple of million dollars in what is essentially imaginary money anyway, since there’s no way they’ll collect any more than a small fraction of the $1.5 billion he owes them. They considered shutting down Infowars to be far, far more important and were essentially saying “Instead of Jones owing us about $1.5 billion that we’ll never see, we’ll say he now owes us $1.498 billion that we’ll never see”.

    I’d want the same damn thing. I’d want Infowars seized and turned into a memorial site for the victims and promotes gun control legislation. Hell, I’d say “Hey, you can knock the judgement down to $1 billion if I get control of infowars.” It’s not that I believe infowars is worth anywhere close to $500 million in real money, but it’s certainly worth $500 million in imaginary money I’ll never see anyway just to make sure he doesn’t have it.

    With that said, given this timeline this doesn’t surprise me in the least. Part of me is expecting that this whole case will be reversed on appeal, either through the SC, a Trump-friendly judge along the way, or somehow through Trump’s meddling. And honestly, there’s a non-zero chance that one of these kook judges says that somehow, Sandy Hook owes Jones ten figures. Because this is the timeline we live in.

  • Trump has a lot more than a united government. He has total control over the Republican party. He has a Supreme Court totally subservient to him and who are willing to literally handwave away parts of the Constitution at will to protect him and create new powers on a whim for him to exploit. He has control of over half of the state governments. And all of these people are loyal to Trump. He can literally do what he wants. Those constitutional protections you think you have? Not if Trump says you don’t. Citizenship status? Not if Trump says you don’t. Those pesky “laws” meant to keep him in check? Who’s going to enforce them? Laws don’t mean jack shit if there’s nobody willing or able to enforce them.

    Remember, the Supreme Court directly said that Trump could say “Yes, schedule a meeting for next Tuesday. Oh, and have Dolly Parton executed by Seal Team Six next weekend.” and Trump can’t even be investigated or questioned about it, much less prosecuted. The constitution no longer matters. It’s now just a really old piece of paper being protected by special equipment that will most likely be shut off because Elon Musk refuses to pay the electric bill.