I’ve altered it, I was aiming to use an anonymised link, as screw YT if at all possible, but didn’t realise it’d only work in the DDG browser. Hey ho, lesson learned.
I’ve altered it, I was aiming to use an anonymised link, as screw YT if at all possible, but didn’t realise it’d only work in the DDG browser. Hey ho, lesson learned.
Soz, I didn’t realise that the duck player links only work in the browser - I’d rather post anonymised links, but hey ho, if it only works for me then that’s not much use, is it?
It’s a banger of a track though, isn’t it?! Credit to Jon Barbas’s yearly round-up of thrash albums for introducing it to me, I’ve had this on repeat quite heavily!
Mario did it, it’s easy to confuse them
Make a nice safe and fabulous space for everyone to scream “aaaaah fuck, there’s a giant skeleton!”
That “third party” definitely wouldn’t be a TI employee in a false moustache and hat now would it, as American companies never, ever profit off selling things to their allies enemies now do they.
As someone who lives in the countryside, and drives a small old truck for necessity, these people are a pain in the ass, and make everything worse for people like me. The trend for making trucks bigger, less easily repairable, with fancier interiors and plastic everywhere is driven by this idiotic posturing, not by the average person who actually uses them as the tool they’re supposed to be