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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • I wasn’t saying it was the best way, just a way. I’m not sure if it is the best. But the most simple way to make sure everyone’s basic needs are met is to give everyone their basic needs and then figure out who has enough to give to others.

    The flaw with capitalism is that someone of no “value” gets no value

    If a company can lay off one worker and become more efficient, that is great in capitalism. Just the one worker gets screwed.

    If that worker was say a robot where you could sit it on the shelf and not worry about it, then that’s fine. But that worker is a human with needs and capitalism doesn’t help that person because they have no “value”.

    The idea that we have to manufacture jobs for these people to “earn” money to live is another solution.

    Putting money into the hands of the poor stimulates the economy.

    It can stimulate the economy, it’s not a guarantee.

    Always enjoyed this story:

    Two economists are walking in a forest

    The first economist says to the other “I’ll pay you $100 to eat that pile of shit.” The second economist takes the $100 and eats the pile of shit.

    They continue walking until they come across a second pile of shit. The second economist turns to the first and says “I’ll pay you $100 to eat that pile of shit.” The first economist takes the $100 and eats a pile of shit.

    Walking a little more, the first economist looks at the second and says, “You know, I gave you $100 to eat shit, then you gave me back the same $100 to eat shit. I can’t help but feel like we both just ate shit for nothing.”

    “That’s not true”, responded the second economist. “We increased the GDP of the forest by $200!”

    That being said, handing money out to everyone has an inflationary effect, so there would have to be some thought put into countering that. And I guarantee payday loan places would find a way to keep the poor impoverished.

    You touched on one reason it wouldn’t be guaranteed.

    Giving loans to people would be better than UBI. UBI should be viewed as a loan and not free money. If you were ever able to pay it back, you should.

    Another problem with capitalism is that a potential worker has no time to hold out for better options. You’re 18 and poor, you have to accept the first job offered as fast as possible or you won’t have shelter or food.

    Giving these people a loan or UBI means they can get by until they find something that benefits them. If they want to tell the fast food place “I’ll do it for $15 and not $12 an hour” it’s possible

    It’s crazy that the difference between $12 and $15 is 25%. A 25% raise is a large one.

    I appreciated reading your comment!

  • Let’s say 50k is average income

    Basic income is 10k

    The average person would get 10k in UBI but pay 10k more in taxes

    They will have 50k dollars

    Someone that makes 100k would get the 10k in UBI but would have to pay 20k more in taxes.

    They will have 90k dollars

    Someone making 15k (federal min wage) would get 10k in UBI and pay nothing in taxes

    They will have 25k dollars

    This is simplified, but the idea is that all three people still made 165k combined. Just the person at the bottom got some help.

    UBI does not increase the total amount of money in the economy. Just moves it from the rich to the poor.

    The average person is still going to have the same spending power

    UBI only exists to solve a problem of capitalism. Other systems could have a UI like communism. But it’s the flaws of capitalism that needs it to correct itself.

    Social programs exist in capitalism and have existed for years. They are just a complex way of solving a basic problem. “How do we get poor people money?”

    Personally, I’d be for UBMI (Universal Bare Minimum Income). Everyone should be provided bare minimum from the society. Food, water, shelter, etc. If you can afford to pay it back, great, if you can’t, that’s fine too. But when people talk about UBI it’s always “how much??”. And it should be the bare minimum to survive and not be forced to run the capitalism rat race. If you’re content to sit in a small shelter and eat 3 meals a day, the government should give it to you. The government gives it to people who break the law and are no where near as deserving

  • This tee fitting is designed to be snaked both ways

    A wye fitting is designed to be snaked one direction

    For example, you’d use a wye fitting after a gutter. If you’re going to snake it, it will not be in the direction of the gutter. You’re not sending the snake up the gutter. The wye would allow you to snake the portion of pipe you need easier.**

    If this was in the middle of a long sewer pipe with no other clean outs near by. Then the tee is probably the better choice.

  • Why wait so long and not get found earlier or not long enough for the reward to increase by a lot? It’s in a weird time frame.

    Why risk traveling to PA where someone else might spot you first? Maybe crossing state lines increased reward?

    People will do a lot for money. My guess is someone is paying this guy’s family to take the fall because they do not want one of the highest profile murders in recent history to go “unsolved”

    Willy Loman would take the fall for money for his family

    Imagine letting the world know you could shoot a CEO in the middle of NY and get away with it. They would much rather everyone believe life is like CSI and they always get the shooter. Worth a lot to them to keep up the security theater.

    Couple days pass. The shooter got away and probably not going to turn themselves in to get the soap box.

    The guy could be the next Guy Fawkes if they let it get out of hand

  • Couldn’t he just change the skeleton to be sharp at the front and then pull forcefully?

    Adamantium gets really sharp.

    Magneto could easily pull a razor blade through a pineapple and not have the pineapple move.

    It would be like the razor blade starting in the pineapple

    Enough force and sharpness, wolverine’s body wouldn’t move at all. Slice through everything like jello.

    Imagine a baseball going through a jello cube. At some speed (since you can’t change the mass of the baseball) the baseball would theoretically clear out a perfect baseball size hole and leave the jello cube perfectly stationary.

    It could be like shooting a bullet through it. There’s not much disturbance of the entire jello cube.

    A blunt skeleton would theoretically just throw out big chunks of skin ahead of the skeleton. Kind of like picture.

    The real question is how much force can magneto create

    Magneto slowly pushes a coin into Shaw’s head. Low speed = less force. Coin small and blunt. Magneto has to be able to create a ton of force.

  • I feel like if I were a tea drinker, it would be a no-brainer to get one over using a kettle every morning.

    You can buy a whole unit on a large website for 302.43. Just a place at the top searches. So maybe cheaper somewhere else.

    Most people are going to have power for their dishwasher or garbage disposal

    Getting a hole in the countertop would be the hardest DIY part about it.

    Non-stone countertop, and I’d probably charge like $200 to put it in for like 1 hour of work at most.

    It’s easily worth 300-500 dollars to get instant tea every morning for years.

    Better yet installing a small filter water system while you’re at it. While plumber is there, it would be easy to add both at the same time and you’d get a discount rather than doing them at separate times.

    The 302.43 unit comes with “cold” tap water dispensing as well. You could have filtered “cold” tap water on demand as well with the single faucet.

    It’s an amazing upgrade for a house if you can afford it. I do see some electric kettles for <$10. Apparently, some you can keep plugged in and running always, didn’t know that. Sounds risky unless you get an expensive one and they you should probably just go all out for the faucet.

  • I enjoy my under sink instant hot water heater.

    It can produce 14 liters of water at 70 to 100°C per hour.

    I never need to boil water really on the stove, fill a pot and let it boil for like spaghetti. But for like instant raman noodles, just adding the water in a bowl with it works perfectly fine.

    I live in America and they aren’t the most common thing installed in kitchens

    Is there an advantage of a kettle over instant 100°C water on tap? Couldn’t you just use it to make tea?