Ah, I’m not saying meat in massive quantities is good for you, nothing really is. I haven’t really seen much around here that meat is healthier than veggies though. At least not since the whole Atkins diet craze a decade or so ago.
Ah, I’m not saying meat in massive quantities is good for you, nothing really is. I haven’t really seen much around here that meat is healthier than veggies though. At least not since the whole Atkins diet craze a decade or so ago.
Experts suggest potential causes include junk food consumption, physical inactivity, and obesity.
This is from the article.
Meat isn’t causing people to become obese, it doesn’t help, but it’s %100 not the cause. Even the article points this out, junk food and sedimentary lifestyle is. Aka potato chips, cookies, sweets and snacks. No one is eating steak 3 times a day and get fat.
The most fucked up thing is right below his page, all the people needing money for healthcare related costs. Cancers/surgeries/live saving treatments…the fact that to survive in the usa you have to hope strangers send money to you is totally fucked.
Ok not that shocked
Yea but the comedy that’s going to come from this is going to at least make it less painful.
A huge chunk of them bled over into HLL when it was released into consoles.
They don’t even need to label it as trans healthcare…just “illegals are taking your healthcare, so we’re going to stop them”
Drew the short straw…“you watch, while we watch”
If that’s the real one, then it’s pretty obvious why they don’t want to publish it. It’s basically saying what everyone feels, fuck these people who, with a swipe of a pen, can kill thousands.
$100 says they wouldn’t have said shit even if this was a smaller platform than itch and people didn’t basically put them on blast. Funko is just trying damage control now that their customers are calling foul. I seriously hope people stop buying these things as a punishment to this company using shitty AI and not actually apologizing, but I know thats wishful thinking.
Yea articles like this serve one purpose, management failed RTO…so now they’re trying to sound like they never wanted RTO and hybrid is what they meant. WFH is better in every single way…less traffic, less traffic accidents, less people sitting in smog, less smog, less tire shaving flying around, more time for the employee to enjoy in the morning, the list is a mile long…and there is absolutely 0 positives for RTO.
The 1st is there so the government doesn’t step in and create laws prohibiting speech. It’s there to stop the gov from stifling free speech. It’s not there to give you a location to use free speech.
That’s fair, but I was generally curious. I followed the COVID sub and the HCA sub and for some reason thought I remembered the lab leak being a probable explanation.
Ah ok, wet markets were the other thing I remember hearing.
I love how I was downvoted for asking a question lol the fuck lemmy.
Minus all their other conspiracy bullshit the repubs present… I was under the impression that this was more or less from the lab in wuhan? Is this not the case anymore?
I have a feeling that this might be pushing any new shooters to start going after the rich. They end up being treated like hero’s and their names stick around. After all most just wanted the recognition.
Sounds like you have an agenda to protect your own gun fetish and are ignoring or twisting data that doesn’t suit your own needs. A quick review of your postings and your talking about ammunition calibers confirms it. I think putting your gun fetish above the lives of children is one of the most pathetic and unmanly things I have ever seen. But you do you, tough guy. I bet you have a picture of yourself holding a gun somewhere in your bedroom, don’t you.
So I provide proof that the data is bad and misconstrued…and the best you can do is make personal attacks?
Here’s the raw data of all shootings in the US. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/
That’s literally where I got the data from champ.
And here’s an article that talks about reviewing that data https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41488081
Which again, reviews the data in a biased way…
Which drops your complaints about the data right into the trash where they belong.
Except it doesn’t. Literally provided two random links from the GVA that are labeled AS school shootings…
You really need to think again about doing the hard things to protect your community instead of putting your own ego first.
Like making sure minorities aren’t lacking in force multipliers? And not wanting to strip them of their right to protect themselves?
One of those hard things is maybe not being such a gun nut when our oversized gun ownership patterns lead to oversized gun violence problems.
Yea we really don’t have a gun problem, we have a societal one. Which trying to remove guns from people is just going to disarm the law abiding ones and allow the criminals and gov/police to have the force.
Get off your arse, grow up ( I see you like to talk about video game cards as well) and get to work.
Lol you really went through my profile a ton their chief. I have been in my career for nearly 2 decades. Am the lead architect at global IT security company. Video games are what childish now? Lol
You might have kids someday and by then it’ll be too late to clean up your manchild-made mess.
You’re literally talking to someone with children.
I know you’re kidding but…
SCC Student Hurt After Dropping Firearm
And this
The person who was shot is a student at MCC, but it is unknown if they were on campus to attend class.
MCC Police say this is a targeted attack and there is no danger to the public.
But yea totally a school shooting… it’s bad data like this is the reason most people ignore these bullshit headlines.
Keep it maintained, rebuild the motor if it dies…no reason to buy a new car if you enjoy this one.
I have 3 supras with over 250k miles on them, have multiple 20+ year old Lexus cars with 200+k and daily drive a 100 series Landcrusier with 300k+ miles on it. Why buy new if old does just fine.