I mean you can always just get LG’s. Pretty hard to go wrong with them as long as they’re official
I say weird shit and half the time I actually believe it.
I mean you can always just get LG’s. Pretty hard to go wrong with them as long as they’re official
The ambassador or the guy that wrote The wheel of Time series?
You raise a good point. I would fill that time with making worldwide broadcast at least on the weekly like a fireside chat where I would talk to people and field questions from a twitch interface and do my best to alleviate the worries and fears and to take in the concerns of the people just like you who are afraid that I will cause more harm than good and that way I can get the feedback that I would need to be the best possible lifelong emperor of the planet.
I would also remind everyone that I didn’t choose this it was thrust upon me and so I want to work with everyone to make the world as good as it possibly can be.
And this also raises another point, I would make it so that news is not protected free speech unless it reports on the facts as best as it knows them.
The minute you start throwing opinion pieces up and calling it “news” with the underscore objective to be to get as many viewers as possible so that you can maximize your advertising revenue then you would become liable for slander and other possible negative consequences to your actions.
Probably not execution though, lol.
Maybe more like being decertified as a “news” organization and not being allowed to broadcast for a period of time.
I would also use my authority to make ads on the internet illegal, and probably set up an international shopping mart where companies can hawk their wares without manipulative algorithms attempting to coerce people into buying things they don’t want.
More like an international Bazaar.
You raise a good point.
I think what might be a better idea would be to take every person who is slated for execution and they are allowed a 5-minute clip but onto some sort of public broadcast where the world gets to decide. They can argue the reasons why they should be forgiven and the prosecutor will explain their crimes in great detail.
Then the world gets to vote and majority rules. That would help me be seen as a merciful dictator so it’s a win-win all the way around. Plus it would also help me weed out people that were wrongly convicted or people where the law is too strict for the crime.
I would automatically forgive every debt of every person in the bottom 75% of income.
I would then institute a new currency that cannot be exchanged for the old currency and devalue all currently existing currency in the world.
I would replace all of those currencies with a credit, where one credit is worth one hour of unskilled labor, meaning that the minimum wage would be set to one credit.
Developing new skills and providing that labor at higher skill levels would give you federally mandated minimum multipliers of your minimum wage.
Worldwide I would make it a rule that the C level executives of any company are directly personally responsible for the actions of their company as a whole, meaning that if a mining company chooses to disregard safety measures and get one of their workers killed then all of the executives of that company are guilty of manslaughter and will be tried as if they personally slaughtered that man.
Every company that is currently traded on the stock market would have to have external oversight so that they cannot monopolize their field.
Every company that utilizes software must submit their software to a federally secured library with all of the source code and all of the steps needed to recreate their software.
This will be given copyright protections for 21 years, after which time the code will become public domain.
All copyright will be set to 21 years from the date of its creation.
All nuclear weapons will be destroyed and converted into fuel for nuclear reactors.
Every person currently in prison who did not commit a violent act will be automatically pardoned.
Any person who did commit a violent act and who has more than 10 years left on their sentence will be immediately executed.
The maximum amount of time a person can be incarcerated will be capped at 10 years. If a person does a crime that requires incarceration of greater than 10 years time they will be executed.
If a prisoner participates in a work program they will receive the minimum wage that they deserve based off of their qualifications.
I would also abolish all health insurance and instead transition to single-payer across the world. All hospitals will be nationalized and required to achieve a set minimum capability to be certified as a hospital.
I would forgive all debts between nations and remove all tariffs as this is now my world and there are no debts between my Nations and there are no tarrifs between my Nations.
Every country or collective will be given the absolute right to operate with its own presidents and leaders and groupings as they so choose without molestation from other people or groups.
In the event of a dispute there will be a world Court and you will argue your side with the world Court and if they are unable to make a decision then it will be given to general vote to decide the outcome.
Being as that there are no officially established Nations anymore, people will not require visas. You will have a license to operate a vehicle and the freedom to go wherever you are capable of going in the entire world.
I would also demilitarize the world to a reasonable degree and spread out small militias to act as a policing force.
Of the police would no longer have qualified immunity in America or anywhere in the world and every police person would carry a camera on them at all times when they are performing their duties.
Turning off the camera or having a malfunction in that camera that is not immediately reported while you are interacting with a member of the public will be grounds for severe consequences up to and including execution.
After that I would just steer the course we haven’t landed on Mars yet we’ve not begun to colonize the solar system we haven’t repaired the damage to the planet there would be several special interest groups established to achieve those things and if despite my utopian concept the majority of the world decides that I’m not worth it than it the very least I’ll have made enough positive impact to be satisfied with the outcome.
I don’t know. I think Mac gets a lot of hate simply because it’s a Unix that was sold to the devil and comes with a satanic concierge service.
Like, I’m not saying that selling your soul to the devil is possible but if I had to pick a handful of people that on the whole I would say probably did I would pick Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Elon musk, Jeffrey bezos, Larry Page, Vladimir Putin, and probably every Hollywood social elite and musician that sells a platinum record, every Republican senator, congress person, and every president after Jimmy Carter, and every CEO whose company is worth more than 10 million dollars who didn’t inherit the company from their parents.
Thank you very much. I made the edit
I watched a video on how to make uranium glass because I have a three-shelf collection of it myself and I was curious and they use a very small amount of uranium powder per piece of glass.
I would never suggest that you eat uranium in any quantity, but the likelihood a couple of atoms of uranium leaching into the entire meal split between the whole family is insanely small, and the amount of damage a single atom of uranium can do is also insanely small.
That being said, I like them for their decorative purposes and not for use as glassware, so take that with a dose of uranium salt.
I wonder if it truly doesn’t have any harmful effects?
I’ve heard a lot of studies about how America’s *gut Flora has changed in the last 50 years. How much of that is from having fewer microbiota ingested from natural food?
I mean, it’s not like UV only kills the bad stuff right?
I was talking to that specific person about that specific cat.
But yes.
Or a law stating that in the case fair refunds can not be provided that the software needed for running the hardware becomes public domain and is published and released on a git maintained by the library of Congress.
Whatever you do to that cat I will do to you
There’s a lot I’d be willing to do for somebody that made me 10 times stronger than the average man and functionally immortal without the weakness of immediately bursting into flames under sunlight.
But I don’t think I would kill people for them or bring them victims to kill.
I guess I would not be a very good ghoul.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only people that believe Santa Claus isn’t real or the people who have no joy in their lives.
Even if you say you don’t believe he’s real there’s a part of you that thinks that he might be real and you know it.
My only concern is that I hope this doesn’t become an Archduke Ferdinand for an American Civil War part 2.
I’m laughing because I’ve done my part. I have told everyone who would listen that the orange turd was an orange turd and like Cassandra they wouldn’t listen to me.
I’ve got a big spoon and a great big empty bowl of schaudenfreude to fill, and I intend to gorge myself.
Stupid fucks get what they deserve and if the world goes down in flames it’s on the rich to fix it.
There are also variations on this that play ASCII Star wars and modified versions of the song that are terrible on purpose.
I set this as the admin login link to my docker system just in case somebody manages to infiltrate my network.
Does anyone know what it tastes like?