Then you end up with an inbox full of drive-by spam to abuse/admin/aardvark/… (insert dictionary here)…/zack/ziggy.
I’m a technical kinda guy, doing technical kinda stuff.
Then you end up with an inbox full of drive-by spam to abuse/admin/aardvark/… (insert dictionary here)…/zack/ziggy.
In my opinion, software engineering has about another 50 years before it matures to the point where it is a “proper” engineering profession.
…use Windows on an air-gapped PC to do all your software development? At least then hackers won’t steal your source and post your shameful code on the internet.
Why the fuck isn’t there just a simple status LED that is on the same circuit as the camera?
Because cameras aren’t simple on-off devices powered by a single wire, that’s why. It’s always got power, and it’s turned “on” (send image data over the data bus) and “off” (do not send data) by software commands over the same data bus.
So the most convenient solution is then have the camera IC have an output that can drive an indicator light. And as camera ICs are basically full computers in their own right, they can be reprogrammed so that they don’t turn on that output.
End result is that you are much better off either having a physical cover over the camera lens, or having a USB camera that you can unplug.
Well, it’s been twenty years since your closest brush with a relationship and you’re still alive, so there is some amount of success going on in the taking care of yourself department.
I won’t patronise you with the standard “find your people, hang in there!” comment. If it’s really eating you up inside, you’re going to have to take a few tiny steps towards society, because society won’t make the first move. Otherwise just do whatever you want to do and quit looking into the past.
It’s right there in the name:
Basic Input Output Operating System
It’s the first stage of whatever os you run.
If you don’t think the BIOS is part of your operating system, just remove it and see how far you get on the next boot.
Edit: I was always told the I in BIOS was “I/O”. WAS I DECEIVED FOR ALL THIS TIME!?
some boys
two bears
mauled forty-two of them
Just how many boys in totality are we talking about here? And did the bears have to stop and take a break?
And he went on to Mount Carmel and…
"And then he went about his day, completely disregarding the two exhausted bears and the 42 mauled boys that were part of a sizable mob that he casually called a curse down upon’
There are phases of sleep that you pass through. Seems like you pass through the lighter ones relatively quickly and you’re getting dragged awake out of a deep sleep phase.
Either give it a little bit longer (like 35-45 minutes) or try 10 minute catnaps.