You can’t think of a single greater mistake either of those country’s has made that’s worse than legal weed? Not a single one?
I say dumb shit.
You can’t think of a single greater mistake either of those country’s has made that’s worse than legal weed? Not a single one?
Well that was fuckin disappointing…
That gameshow where they have to go through the moving cutouts.
Canada looks like a shit gun.
Subway worker: That’s… That’s the bread.
It’s outside the ocd clinic.
If you sneeze you can do a kickflip.
Walking around in general public in only Speedos.
Leaving Ohio, 5 meters at time!
Pet rats aren’t snitches!
The action that mixes the cake churns the cream into butter and buttermilk.
Sometimes Superman just wants to sit and have 5 minutes to himself.
That dog drives a brown 1990s hatchback car with a missing back bumper.
Funko: We would like to apologise for being caught in the act, we will strive to better hide our asshole tactics next time, the person responsible for us getting caught has been reprimanded with 2 weeks paid time off.
her lawyer argued she should not have to serve prison time because her “creative side is coming back out now,” adding that she volunteers at a local art center and is working on an album.
I don’t think being an artist’s with an album in works is a great defence.
If it works, then I’ll be constantly working on my next album.
If you’re elected prime Minister, then the world has officially ended so do what you want you dickless fuckhead.
Fair enough then.
Your Nan’s sisters granddaughter
My bad, I was pretty high when I read it.