Weird they don’t even need to do much for Mace Wi-AAAAOOMYGOD
Weird they don’t even need to do much for Mace Wi-AAAAOOMYGOD
He’s just Laying there after all.
Okay everyone, ignore the pretty lady for a second and listen up good.
If you are in the middle seat on an airplane, jetiquette dictates that it is you who is entitled to both arm rests. Your seat neighbors each have one guaranteed. Don’t let anyone crowd you out of what’s yours.
I am ripe for a headline like this, but the Examiner?
Maybe Johnson County, like Lenexa or Overland Park are waspy, but at least when I lived in the area, KCK itself was where you went if you wanted to develop a meth problem.
Granted it has been a decade or so since I lived there.
Very much a cat move. It looks cozy.
we guard against the pressures that exist for unsafe care or unnecessary care.
If he is going to be that far up his own ass, I hope he is at least checking for polyps.
I made the comment and I am wracking my brain for what I originally meant.
I think what happened is this: I, a left-handed person, incorrectly identified the Michigan mitten as being a left-handed mitten rather than a unisex (for hands), and then I mistakenly misidentified the actual hand itself as being a right hand.
With these two thunderously incorrect facts in hand, I made a joke that implies that ‘of course a righty dominated world would be unable to even see how a left-handed mitten could be mitten shaped.’
Only it was a confusing joke because (a) a common feature of mittens is that they can fit on either hand and (b) the hand in the mitten was a left hand anyway.
At least I think that’s what happened. I was pretty high then, and well, I’m pretty high now too.
Lefty erasure
The worst part is, after a short while, you actually cross this sort of threshold where you enjoy it and begin to look forward to it, and then you start to notice it is helping your mental as well as your physical health.
Just atrocious. It’s almost like we were evolved for this.
Interesting perspective. I think the prevailing idea is that in addition to each having their own arm rest (we will get to your qualm with the arm rest in a moment), both the window and the aisle have their own advantages, while the middle seat has no advantages. Simply put, no one wants the middle seat, so the only compensation is that you get first refusal on the shared arm rest, since both of yours are shared.
Pros/cons in review:
Aisle seat pros: guaranteed arm rest, and easy access for to the bathroom.
Aisle seat cons: the guaranteed arm rest is sticking out in traffic, so to speak, and your elbows (and knees) are at constant risk of bumping by passengers, or worse, beverage carts in the aisle. Plus you may be disrupted by people in either middle or window seat needing to use the bathroom.
Middle seat pros: no risk to elbows/knees from aisle?
Middle seat cons: no dedicated arm rest, minimal elbow room, need go climb over someone to use the bathroom, but may also be disturbed by the person in the window seat needing to use the rest room
Window seat pros: dedicated arm rest (I have never heard a complaint like yours, or had reason to complain myself since the walls are slightly concave), no risk to elbows/knees, no one will disturb you to use the rest room, access to a window and control of the shade
Window seat cons: need to disturb 2 people to use the rest room