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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023

  • Keeping it as research seems it would greatly reduce its availability, and if it causes people to suffer or die, that’s not something that can be taken back, unlike stopping hormone treatment or puberty blockers seems to be. That’s the part that concerns me.

    Well I can certainly recommend reading the interview then. One of the things mentioned is that she considers, after her research, this hormone treatment as having irreversible effects.

    That’s something I always see people dancing around, sometimes saying ‘mostly’ reversible or something… Being (‘mostly’) irreversible has an enormous ethical impact. She also mentions having taken into consideration the long term psychological effects but that the research on that just isn’t strong enough to give a clear-cut advice

  • Well her position doesn’t seem to be that she wants to eliminate it at all. She says the evidence is too weak for a general green light. She supports it being offered but as research:

    There are young people who absolutely benefit from a medical pathway, and we need to make sure that those young people have access — under a research protocol, because we need to improve the research — but not assume that that’s the right pathway for everyone.


    I think there is an appreciation that we are not about closing down health care for children. But there is fearfulness — about health care being shut down, and also about the report being weaponized to suggest that trans people don’t exist. And that’s really disappointing to me that that happens, because that’s absolutely not what we’re saying.

  • It’s what god wants!

    Which reminds me of a joke:

    A priest, an imam and a rabbi get together every month to discuss how to fleece their sheep and they confer on the matter of tithes in their respective religion. The priest says “we gather all the tithes, draw a circle on the church floor, throw up the money and whatever falls into the circle is what god, in all his omnipotence, wants to go to the church”. The imam laughs and says they do something similar. “Except, with us, we take what falls outside the cirlce to go back into the community.” Both look at the rabbi who’s known to always come up with the best ideas, and who replies: “We don’t even need to draw a circle - our god is so powerful that he just takes whatever he needs before it comes back down.”