I’ve been writing Python code since the days of dial-up. I read it very well. I just expected some conversation about what the goal is and how the code was helping us reach that goal.
Husband, Father, Gamer, Nerd
I’ve been writing Python code since the days of dial-up. I read it very well. I just expected some conversation about what the goal is and how the code was helping us reach that goal.
Am I missing something, I see code, but almost no discussion about said code.
I’m not an environmentalist, and I’m certainly not vegan, but I’ve been spotted at more that one vegan restaurant. Someone going to a vegan restaurant is not news!
And here I expected an exterior shot of a train.
What I wanna know is who are all these people claiming that Santa Claus is not fucking real!?
Of course he’s real.
Recently at a company town hall, “please respond the anonymous employee satisfaction survey.”
My boss a couple of weeks later, “HR says they need more surveys from our group. Please encourage your teams to fill them out.”
Yeah, completely anonymous.
I don’t like abortion, I have grave qualms about it. I’m also vehemently pro-choice.
That is fantastic! Nice work!