The news is eating it up because idiots are consuming every bit of garbage information they will put out. TikTokers get thousands of views because people are fooled into thinking something is going on. If there are drones, it’s some ding dongs who are getting a kick out of the attention it’s getting.

Iran is not invading with drones. It’s not aliens from the ocean. It’s not a some secret government program. It’s proof that American education has failed and raised the majority population to be mouth breathing morons.

End rant.

    6 hours ago

    Once you talk about orbs, you sound crazy because there is no proof these are orbs.

    There are a whole bunch of videos showing out of focus points of light that idiots call orbs. And there are lots of videos of planes flying head on towards the camera with landing lights that idiots also call orbs.

    You really gotta be careful how you talk about this stuff, else you sound and look like a fool.

    I’m one of those people who thinks the phenomenon is real. But I also feel the majority of the recordings made are nonsense misidentifications.

    Just call them UAP.